z-DAYZ: TailZ of..

Ep 1: “We are so forked!”

Starring: Bunder, Bart, Logger, Robert, Gronk, Hoath, Milkbone
Featuring: Ben


“Wake up”  Ben stands guard, looking out a small kitchen window. “The Sun is getting low and they tend to come out more at night.”

The gang wake up from much needed sleep. Yesterday’s events are recalled… Having escaped the Atlanta suburbs only for their van to flip on some country road – when the driver, it turns out was infected. A handful of Zs converge on the bus for some easy pickings when Ben arrives, shotgun in hand, to rescue as many survivors as he can. He brings the rag-tag group to a small two story farmhouse, a short walk from the crash site. Ben knows he needs help with boarding and defending the small house (as Ben thinks, they need hold out a few days tops, until  the US Army can restore order).

With the gang rested, Ben demands they all get to work boarding up the house and looking for weapons.

Finding no further weapons, when nearly as soon as having finished boarding the windows, Ben mutters. “Hey… There’s one out there now.”

For some inexplicable reason Hoath opens the door,  steps out to ask “Who’s there?” When he is attacked from behind, narrowly escaping.  Last he was seen Hoath was running down the driveway.

The team act quickly to brace the door from inside. Zed pounds aggressively on the door seeking entry Ben forces Robert and Gronk at gun point to circle round back and dispatch that “mutha-fucking-Z.”

As they approach, Robert in a low whisper asks Gronk “How should we attack the zombie?” when the Z almost immediately directs its attention on Robert and Gronk.

A fight ensues, Gronk is bit. The team jump out and kill their first Z. Having heard that amputation might stop the spread from a bite, the team acts quickly to saw Gronk’s right arm off just above the elbow. He collapses in pain. Robert lifts his brother and pleads with Ben to let him be.  Ben relents but threatens to shoot them both if he begins to even suspect Gronk is turning.

More Zeds arrive. One breaks in. Another fight. Eventually a second dead zed. 

As the others defend the front door, Robert lifts Gronk and carries him out the back door, for some reason he is intent on climbing the house from the outside. While Robert try’s  to help his brother scale a flat wall they catch the attention of another Zed.

Gronk, thinks better, turns to run back inside only to immediately be cold-cocked by Ben with the shotgun butt upon entering. Ben slams the door shut with Robert on the wrong side. Robert fights off the Z only to be grabbed again and again.

As he struggles to break free the zombie now grabbing his shirt, the front door flies open and into the melee jump the gang.

Logger clutching a make-shift bow and arrow, fashioned from a curtain rod and suspenders, lets fly a fork only to see it cartwheel into the ground with a “twang.”

To be continued?
