For Light and Transient Causes…

From: Preliminaries of the Farsees: “Ced’a-meon League Recognition of Rights” of contextual relevance to “Declaration of War against the Ri’cilian Coalition”

I. Ced’a-meon League Recognition of Rights 

No matter place or culture, human nature is remarkably similar.

Man, on the whole, is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to abolish the forms to which they are accustomed.

Laws codify revelation of that self-evident, in harmony with natural order. Rules of Law that protect selfish or select interests sow disorder by infringing on natural rights and are means of oppression.

A government of the people is one beholden to its citizens, when citizens are beholden to the government it is an authoritative entity, dictating rights not protecting them. Any government that is not local, by definition, is an authoritative entity, dictating rights not protecting them.

Natural Order
These truths are self-evident, that all are created equal, endowed with rights to life, pursuit of freedom, and liberty.

1. There are no other laws other than natural law.
2. All have right to throw off and oppose any who would shackle and oppress.
3. Take not revolution in vain, make just your cause.
4. If you would govern, reflect on and abide in natural law as it relates to self and others.
5. If you would be governed, reflect on government, its price, versus freedoms given and those taken.
6. Do not kill.
7. Do not take nor covet what is not yours.
8. Recognize the rights of others as thus explained.
9. Protect those rights collectively conforming, to these principles.
10. Bear witness to truth.

One needs no other cause to declaration of separation from that which opposes the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.

II. Ced’a-meon League’s Declaration of War against the Ri’cilian Coalition

Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of the natural order as codified in the Declaration of Rights, it is the right of the threatened and oppressed to oppose said despotism. It is the right of those threatened and oppressed to lay a foundation on such principles and organize means in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety, freedom and liberty.

Wherein the Ri’cilian Coalition and the Ced’a-meon League having deposed the Zi’anian Empire, the League has taken the mantel of protectorate of its member states. The Coalition, under guise of democracy, has repeatedly demonstrated its intent to replace by force and coercion the Zi’anian Empire, as hegemonic despot of the Phateon System.

On numerous occasions the League has broached the “Charters of the Alliance” as retained in “The Dissolution Treaty” and further have shown disregard for the treaties stipulations on Planetary Law. See “Appendix 1: Grievances” to this declaration for a complete listing of explicit Treaty violations.

Most grievous, having directly involved itself in the War of Unification on Lis’inth on behalf of Peleios against League State Elean, the Coalition has demonstrated its greatest disregard for the “Charters of the Alliance” as retained in “The Dissolution Treaty” and threaten the existence of the League itself by having:

  1. Directly intervened in the Battle of Paleo Bay on behalf of Peleios against Elean, a League State.
  2. Encroached on Planetary Law with one of its Battle Fleets when intervening in the Battle of Paleo Bay.
  3. Directly threatened the way of life and existence of the League and her individual states by disregarding the expressed concerns of the League as outlined in the “Lis’inthian Accords”.

The Ced’a-meon League, consisting of Ced’a-meon Proper, States of Arcania, and Lis’inth Elania, hereby declare the dissolution of the “Lis’inthian Accords” and further absolve themselves from the “Charters of the Alliance” as retained in “The Dissolution Treaty.”

The Ced’a-meon League and individual charter states declare war on E’ricle and any state in alliance with E’ricle in this matter.

On the Prince Christened Suttra

Preface by the editor

Though lost to time, the ”Prince Christened” suttra is said to have been a teaching on mindfulness and impermanence. Of it only the following phrase has  been preserved, “Permanent mind mindful impermanence.” The phrase itself was preserved as the title to a commentary on the suttra attributed to  Gacchami, a babado mystic from before the War of Ascension. The commentaries  have also been lost, but the teachings based on them were passed down for many generations and were preserved  in “As recited by my Teacher and retold so as I would remember,”  a short narrative by an anonymous student of the Saranagamana Yoga Academy.


Herein are my recollections and reflections of a teaching from my Master.

I.  As recited by my Teacher and retold so as I would remember.

Once, while taking refuge at Mahabodi under shade of an Oak, I sat in adoration near my master. Realizing I was troubled he asked, “What afflicts you, son?”

“Master, I have studied the Suttras, Tantras and their many commentaries and I see the truth in them without direct realization. But  I feel overwhelmed in my studies. With so much to retain and yet even more to attain. Teacher, with so much in mind, I find it difficult to be mindful.”

Here follows  what was said on the “Prince Christened” suttra…

“What one fool can realize so too can another.”

So said my Teacher when he conveyed to me what was passed to him, regarding the teachings on the “Permanent mind mindful impermanence.”

“By solemn vow, from a base of refuge, and paying homage to my Teacher, I now convey what was then conveyed.”


“Homage to the great perfection.”

“Unwatched the mind flutters like a leaf in the wind. As an Oak needs its roots so too the mindful mind.”

“Thus mindful of breath, root the mind.”

“So rooted…”

“Be mindful of the difficulty in attaining this human existence, just that be mindful that.”

“Be mindful of the sublime brevity that is human existence, just that be mindful that.”

“Be mindful of cause and consequence universal, just that be mindful that.”

“Be mindful the many perils in cyclic existence, just that be mindful that.”

“Thus mindful awaken the compassionate mind.”

“And how does one train to be mindful and thus awaken the compassionate mind?”

“Train the mind thus, with resolve to accomplish the highest good. Thus mindful, accomplish the highest good.”

“Train the mind thus, with regard to inferiority of self. Thus mindful,  appreciate others.”

“Train the mind thus, to watch for the arising of disturbing thoughts. Thus mindful, vanquish the arising of disturbing thoughts.”

“Train the mind thus, to care for the disillusioned. Thus mindful, be compassionate with the disillusioned.”

“Train the mind thus, to take on defeat and offer up accomplishment. Thus mindful, attain the greatest victory.”

“Train the mind thus, to see a spiritual friend in all. Thus mindful, share in the great perfection.”

“Train the mind thus, to be of any means to your many mothers. Thus mindful, nourish the awakening mind.”

“Train the mind thus, to see past all illusion. Thus mindful, abide in clear light of perfected wisdom.”

“Thus trained and thus mindful, free the mind of all attachment. All else are but thoughts bound by the eight-worldly concerns, even that just taught.”

“The mindful mind is an awakening mind without perception of self, of being, of soul, of person, of phenomena or what is other than phenomena.  Without perception of perceived or not perceived. Without perception of what is and what is not. Without perception I and not.’

“Give rise to a clear and pure mind, one that abides not in aggregate.”

“Here ends a practice on developing mindfulness of “Permanent mind mindful impermanence.” 

Still I doubted my mettle to be mindful of all that was taught. As if sensing my persisting doubt my teacher drew what appeared an X in the dirt, but from my vantage it looked more a cross.

“Be mindful that, just that.”

And, as if it were a bullseye, I was stuck by a diamond mid-brow.

“Better yet…” he then said, while erasing the X with a “Phat!”

Having closed his eyes, he sat. 

I pondered my master’s words and joined in mindful meditation.

II. Afterword

From heart of a fool
As play on light perceived,
From empty form conceived,
In self believe.


The Skies of E’ricle are the Bluest of all the planets in the Phateon System
The Destruction of Leviathan by Gustave Doré

“Alone in my yole on the worlds immense ocean, as much above water as below, it occurs to me to harpoon a sea monster on some auspicious occasion.   “

– Ancient Proverb from the Tribes of the Northern Isles of E’ricle

WOA: A Sailor’s Sunset (A Short)

The sound of his board slicing through the water in harmony with the sound of the wind in his sails and the feel of the boom in his hands. The currents of the ocean below, and in the wind above flowing as one with the currents in him. All powered by Phateon of the heavens above. A singular force of oneness, it seemed, propelled him forward.

The crystalline clear blue waters of the shallow sea grass and white sands below his sea-skipping board receded into the unfathomable azure of the ocean deep. Thenea ever falling below the horizon behind him.

“If I could choose my final sunset…” he thought. “… these could very well be my final hours on E’ricle.”

Tomorrow he would ascend into the heavens to take his first command of a Stellar Patrol Boat in the Space Fleet. And he sped forward as if to outrun the many voices in his head.

“Have my experiences in the surface fleet prepared me for what is to come?”

“Am I prepared to take command?”

“Were we really at war with Ced’-a-meon?“

“How could we ever think to defeating them, on their home world?”

“Are we not leaving E’ricle unprotected with so much of the fleet deployed?“

“Patrol Boats have never been deployed this deep before, what would be our ultimate assignment?”

“Could they reach us here?

“Could we lose this war?”

“Will I ever see home again?”

To calm the voices, he sped with the speed of the wind to the calmest place he knew, deep out in the ocean of his quiet mind.

With Thenea no longer in sight nor even sign of her lights and as Phateon slipped into the ocean, he slowed the boat to a still. While perfectly balanced, he sat crosslegged on his board and so drifted. Calmed.

Long into that dark night he sat. Any other would be panicked to be so far out to sea alone and without means of navigation in hand. But he knew exactly where he was. The heavens told him.

As the waxing crescent of the First Sister, called Carnas by her inhabitants, rose he wondered if he would ever see her full again.

The voices asleep, he picked up his sails and dipped them into the wind. He felt the wind fill the sails and he channeled that energy flow from his steady hands, into his arms, into his body, his legs and finally into the board as he skated over a black ocean leaving a phosphorescent wake behind.

Looking back he wondered, if he had known then what he knew now, would he have sailed back to shore that night. Or instead would he have followed his heart and sailed deeper into the blue.

As the powerless hulk of his patrol craft drifted so far from home and with no hope of rescue he knew without doubt he would never again see his beloved sapphire ocean.

He suppressed those many voices and their existential questions..

As the dead ship spun without control in the black of space he was saddened at being closer to Ced’-a-meon then to home.

Entombed in the ruins of his first command
destined for eons hence to orbit great Phateon out between the worlds, he came to peace with the thought that from here the sun would never set.


WOA: H.H. Dysseaus at Cessation of Hostilities, his de facto coronation, revelation of the Babado and Phateon Constitutional Law

Transcripts of archival audio

“In readdress to your charges, I direct these words not just to you, or even all of you gathered here today but to all citizens of the Phateon System.

None here can cite a campaign directed by me in which I and I did not fight. My “peers” being none aware of the true dangers undertook and the true cost paid. Success of my private exploits meant the realization of all we set out to do.

Cowardice, heresy, sedition, inciter of rebellion you charge? You would conquer and rule Phateos Proper and any and all means to that end you would justify. Where you failed we succeeded.

We unify all under Phateos in name and spirit not for my home world of Ced’-a-meon nor for E’ricle or any one of the inhabited worlds but for all. While everyone else repays us with thanks and praise you would revert to subterfuge hidden behind empty speeches.

It is not your stupidity we find fault with but your blindness. You fail to see that even you are saved by my “crimes.” You would destroy worlds for cause. You value self over the many. Your insolence is now and hence force your own problem alone. You would lecture on honor and hurl baseless charges as if they were stone.

Hear now the words of Dysseus, Shatriya of the Nobel race Ced’-a-meon, born of ice, fire, iron and storm son of Agrius from the house of Andavas and hence with genealogy of the Edtas.

Whatever form of combat my enemy chooses I am always ready to meet, whether against one or many as today. You here suffer from ambition and ignorance, two ills that work at cross purposes.

Ambition makes you eager for honors but ignorance turns you against them. When strong with power you felt “brave” now weak you find that you are neither brave nor wise. There is nothing worse than suffering in a state of ignorance.

If ever there arises a poet who really understands what counts for excellence in a noble he will take note of my compassion, composure and resourcefulness.

Ignorance and ambition birth arrogance and as you are possessed by all three demons I shall reveal now your complete and utter defeat for even now you will not let go.

I know every detail of your plans to assassinate me with cessation of hostilities [murmur of crowd]. I know that you, Strategeos Prime, Admiral Atherean and your fellow conspirators, plan to carve the planets into a hegemonic duality.

You would seek only to buy a little time and when able you would strike down the other for total hegemony.

Atherean, you are a good strategist. You realize your time to strike is now and so you bribed Secundus to assassinate Prime in exchange for riches and power [murmur of crowd].

What you do not know is that Secundus has ever been my most loyal friend and my most brilliant general. Your own blood money is the same we used to arm many of those whom now occupy Thenea as well as those who listen to these words from atop the ruins that were once your seaside palace.

We are legion. You would give us death we would meet you in death and there work to ease your fears of the final crossing. We are your sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, friends, brothers and sisters.

We are the Babado., followers of that Great Book. Wise ones, make yourselves known [murmur of crowd]. Even now you question how you lost so much.

Hear now my first judgment as Guardian of All under Phateos. You still mistake intelligence for wisdom.

Secundus shall now proclaim before all Phateon Law, The Proclamation of Equivalent Exchange.”


Invocation to The War of Ascension

“You mousaios, whose breasts sacred fury fires, the aim of the supreme desire. From your stows mystic knowledge grows“

To the Muses‘ from ‘Prayer Book of an unknown Babado Ascetic

To prevent traces of human events from being erased by time for a time and to preserve the fame of important remarkable achievement of Nobles and non during the events surrounding the War of Ascension here are preserved and presented our inquiries….

See Appendix for background: Preliminaries of the Farsees

The War of Ascension

“The growth of power and the fear it inspired made war all but inevitable” H.H Secundus

The War of Ascension

From: Preliminaries of the Farsees

The account at the beginning…

Having suppressed expansion of the Zi’anian Empire the alliance between the Ri’cilian Coalition and the Ced’a-meon League were destined to dissolve.

However, the Zi’anian defeat left E’ricle’s fleet unmatched and with extraordinary control over interplanetary commerce and E’ricle wielded it’s power as head of the Coalition to extend its hegemony over the Phateon system. Ced’a-meon’s army unsurpassed in size, fighting skill and ferocity face diminishing influence as does The League.  

Fearing the unchecked imperial ambitions of E’ricle through the Ri’cilian Coalition  the Ced’a-meon League, made up of determinedly independent oligarchies, prepare to once more check empire’s reach.

Phateon States

Zi’an: Inhabited planet closest to Phateon. History of the first age, The Technocratic (Automocratic) Age, has been mostly lost but Zi’an is thought to be the first planet to give rise to sentient life in the Phateon system. Zi’an’s achieved space travel and later with the help of Artificial Intelligence colonized the other inner planets and their natural satellites. The Technocratic Age ended centuries ago with the Fall of the Corpacracies and the Technocratic War. Historical and scientific knowledge was lost during The Purge that concluded the war. Following the “Tech War”, Zi’an was the first to reunite under a common though tyrannical government. Free from planetary war Zi’an built an inter-planetary fleet and invaded E’ricle. This invasion led to the forming of The Alliance between The Coalition and The League. The Alliance defeated Zi’an  and destroyed their fleet, so ending the Zi’anian War. No longer unified, civil war soon returned to Zi’an.

E’ricle: The only planet in the system to be ruled by a fully democratic planetary government. E’ricle is a planet of mostly water and this has influenced strongly the Ri’cilian culture a culture which places prominence on commerce and naval strength. With the rise of interplanetary commerce E’ricle invested heavily in a mercantile and combative space fleet. During The Zi’anian War The Alliance relied heavily on E’ricle’s fleet to transport and deploy Ced’a-meon fighters against Zi’an. Following the war E’ricle investments in its fleet accelerated to include new ships, a space dock and several space elevators. Ri’cilian society values culture and education, it’s elite are prone to excess.       

Ced’a-meon: A planet wide oligarchy controlled by a handful of strong royal families. Ced’-a-meon culture is one of war and hero worship. Every male citizen of age is expected to be a warrior in the service of their regent family. Every female is expected to give birth to an established quota, per her caste, of males. From birth coming of age training and rituals serve only to weed out the weak and give rise to strong citizen soldiers of the state. Planetary conditions are harsh further ensuring physical strength.  Since forming the oligarchy, during time of peace armies are kept at the ready by arranged battles between armies of the royal families. These events are broadcast planet-wide and are used by the royals to settle disputes or establish position in the government and its councils. Ced’a-meon law is harsh and unforgiving and luxuries even among the ruling classes are virtually unheard of.  

Other Influential States:

Metamorphia: Smallest of the inhabited natural satellites of Ced’a-meon. Metamorphia is a neutral state and the first natural satellite to be unified, it is also the only theocratic state in the system. Metamorphic beliefs include the coming of the Paragon (sometimes called the Supreme Intellect). The church keeps detailed historic and genealogical records of all the Phateon humanoid races in the belief that they will be able to decipher the Paragon’s arrival. There are several Metamorphian sects each led by an Oversee, growing in influence the Vidians believe the supreme intellect can only be an AI and they view The Technocratic War as a travesty of history.    

Arc’ania: A natural satellite to Ced’a-men. The two independent states of Arc’ania are both members of The League. The civilized inhabitants of Arc’ania live in large enclosed cities cut off from the natural surroundings of the planet. The forests of Arc’ania are home to a large but unknown number of primitive humanoids who are continually in a state of undeclared war against the city dwellers of Arc’ania. Larger and stronger than the city dwellers of Arc’ania these so called primitives are masters of guerilla warfare. Besides the primitives, Arc’ania is home to several large predatory species. Any city dweller found outside their city walls are considered all but dead. 

Other Non-united planets:

Lis’inth: A natural satellite to Ced’a-meon and covered largely by water with  two continents. Each continent is an independent state. Like E’ricle, Elean and Peleios have strong nautical traditions and are said to have planetary navigation skills only surpassed by the Ri’cilians. 

Lis’inth (Elean) : Elean missile and torpedo designs are without equal. Elean is memeber of The League    

Lis’inth (Peleios): Until recently independent. At war with it’s co-inhabitants of Lis’inth, Elean, Peleios has asked for help from the Coalition. Tough Elean is in the League, until recently the League has refrained from involvement as it believes that planetary unification is inevitable but it must come from the actions of the inhabitants without outside aid.  

Carnas: A natural satellite to Er’icle. The three independent states of Carnas are all members of The Coalition. Rich in industrial elements including rare metals Carnas is highly industrialized. Manufacturing and mining have made Carna the most polluted planet in the Phateon System.  Most Carnian companies are subsidiries to Ric’illian conglomerates.  

Planetary Law:

As agreed to by the charters of the Alliance and retained in The Dissolution Treaty: 

Except for terrestrial territories and corresponding airspace, a unified planet can claim sovereignty over spherical space extending up to the furthest reaching Lagrangian Point of any of its natural satellites. 

Natural satellites can claim sovereignty extending up until the lowest extent required for short-term stable orbit of their planetoid.   

Metamorphia can claim sovereignty over spherical space extending up to it’s first and second Lagrangian Points in the Ce’dameon-Metamorphia System.    

Main Industries:

Zi’an: Renowned for their textiles they export finished garments ranging from fashion to combat space suits   

E’ricle: Primarily exports commodities that pertain to aquaculture. Primary exported services: Shipwrights. Export of non-renewable natural resources is banned.

Ced’a-meon:  Primarily export commodities pertain to agriculture. Primary exported services: Mercenary. Export of military technology is banned.

Metamorphia: Self sustaining. Primary exported services pertain to medicine and education. With few exceptions it is illegal to physically take data storage devices including books off planet.        

Ced’a-meon caste (bottom-up)

1. Citizen Soldiers :

a. . Reserve: Any Citizen Soldier male aged 3-16.   

b. Guard: Labor force and part-time soldier

c. Soldier of rank

2. Citizen Mother (Citizens Mothers are born into the caste of their father and inherit assets not title. Titles go to next surviving male heir)

3. Respectables

4. Lords

5. Royal Family 

Ced’a-meon culture

Ced’a-meon reserve units are banned from grooming their hair including their beards. Upon graduating from the Reserves candidates are shaved bare. 

Soldiers of rank can grow their hair to shoulder length at most until granted squad command and rank of Sergeant. Upon reaching Sergeant, Soldiers of Rank continue to grow their hair until defeated in combat at which point they join the ranks of the Guard. Soldiers of Rank are allowed to wear their beards as they please and often become associated with their beard style.  

Reserves that graduate but fail to qualify for Soldier of Rank become Guards. Guards can grow their hair no longer than shoulder length. With the exception of Reserves- when in combat garb, hair must be tightly bound regardless of rank.   

The highest rank attainable is that of Strategos of which there are three levels (Strategos, Strategos Superior, Strategos Prime – there is only one Prime ). Strategos of renown are often offered lordship but many decline preferring the ranks of Citizen Soldier.    

Citizen Soldiers can claim for a period of twelve months any Citizen Mother (up to alloted by rank) of or below his caste and must prove pregnancy within three months or relinquish his claim. Citizen Soldiers must cede their claim to higher rank.           

Citizen Mother’s are raised to be consorts and are trained in the art of seduction and carnal pleasures. If a Citizen Mother goes unclaimed for a period defined by her caste or is relinquished three times for failure to bear she will fall into the next lowest caste.   

Upon achieving certain milestones established for their highest attained caste a Citizen Soldier and Citizen mother can retire into their castes’ “Respectables” class with pension. A Respectable Citizen Mother cannot be claimed without her consent.   

Though virtually unheard off, both Citizen Soldiers and Citizen Mothers can at anytime forfeit their caste rank downward until Guard.    

Breeding of Lords and the Royal Family is strictly regulated by the Royal Family and Resident Elder. Male Lords and Royals must also join in the Reserve until the age of ten at which point they become Rangers. Rangers must survive alone in the wild until 15.   

In battle a Lord can trump the commands of his Army’s highest Citizen Soldier regardless of his rank. A Royal can always trump a Lord. Though permissible it is rare that the orders of a Strategos are trumped by the ruling class. The few historical instances where a Strategos had been trumped ended in catastrophic military defeat.        

Metamorphic organization (top-down) 

The ArchOversee

Overseers (such as The Vidian Order Oversee) 


The Ascetics: 

The Assembly 

Metamorphic culture:    

The ArchOversee is an Elder elected for life by the Order of Overseers. Elevation of an Elder to ArchOversee takes many years. The ArchOversee is the only one who has complete insight into the governance of all sects. Sects are run by an Oversee. In the past sects have undermined each other but only at the discretion of the ArchOversee as all means justify the coming of the Paragon. 

According to Metamorphic beliefs The Paragon sometimes called the first supreme intellect will unify the Phateon races and usher in a new age of everlasting life and interstellar space travel bringing into the fold yet to be discovered but prophesied alien races from distant star systems.    

The varied governments seek council from Metamorphic Elders. In exchange for this valued council each government must pay an annual tribute as well as provide an annual quota of young untainted minds for joining into The Assembly.

 The Assembly are the Metamorphic masses. They are trained in the accepted arts and sciences from an early age and expected to become unsurpassed medics or educators. These services are exported on a rotation basis in exchange for more young converts. 

Every year during The Choosing, select pubescent members of The Assembly are separated and drafted into an Ascetic order. The Sisterhood will draft select born males into their order, converting them into an androgyne as part of a secret ritual known only as The Mysteries, thereby accepting them into the order. One can never leave an order except in death. An Ascetic is considered a specialized Elder.      

There are five Ascetic sects each governed by an Oversee there is also an Oversee to The Assembly. 

The Elders are purveyors of the sacrament and perform the sacred rituals. Each is charged with a congregation from The Assembly. Off world Elders serving as counsel for a fixed period of time  are charged with the congregation on the planet of their residence for the duration of their appointment.     

Sects of the Ascetics

The Vidians: Believe that the Paragon can be nothing other than an AI. Advocates of technology and secretly study computer sciences in the hopes of constructing an AI 

The Sisters:  Believe in reincarnation and that the vessel of the Paragon is always among us but must be found and filled. They are suspected of child abductions. 

The Izlar: Trained killers that believe the will of the higher order necessitates subtle intervention in human affairs. As tools of this will, they believe, their actions will set in order the conditions needed for the Paragon’s arrival. Specialist in espionage and assassination.     

The Aristos: Believe that the Paragon is hereditary title and that he will be born of royal blood to a house unknown. Because of this Royal Houses prefer their planet’s Elders come from this sect.

The Farsees: Guardians of the Oracles, the Farsees are respected for the prophetic abilities. They never leave Metamorphia and rarely leave the Oracles

E’ricle culture

Though its Army is much smaller E’ricle warriors are second only to Ced’a-meon’s. Their space fleet and surface Navy however are without peers. Made up of merchant ships of various classes capable of trading goods between E’ricle and all the inhabited planets within the system. E’rcile merchant fleet also facilitates trade between the Phateon states for a percentage of the transaction both ways. 

Along with it’s planetary merchant fleet, E’ricle maintains two planetary battle groups which alternate between deep orbit on the ready for deployment and space dock for replenishment, repairs and crew swap out.

Crews alternate between the space fleets and the very powerful surface fleets. Time of rotation is 1 to 3 in favor of surface fleet assignment in order to keep crews from succombing to the adverse effects of living for extended periods of time in zero gravity.   

Built in space the ships of the planetary battle groups are not designed and cannot survive atmospheric entry and must stay in orbit though they carry craft capable of planetary landing and troop deployment. Along with it’s planetary battle group E’ricle maintains a numerous launch vehicles ranging from one-time rockets to reusable spaceplanes. 

E’ricle’s shipwrights are highly coveted by other states and are allowed to consult but are not allowed to divulge current technology.         

Though a democracy both the Admiralty and Defense Industries of E’ricle command enormous political clout.