Linage of the Longchen Nyingthig

Dhamma wheel

Tibetan tanka painted by Gonpo Tseten Rinpoche, not only a lama but also an accomplished painter and artist, with description (and Longchen Nyingthig detail )of all the deities and the masters of the lineage according to his tradition.

From “Masters of Meditation and Miracles Lives of the Great Masters of India and Tibet” by Tulku Thondup . Introduction and Linage herein. 


BUDDHA is the universal truth, and Buddhism is the path to realize it. Buddha is the true nature, the openness, and the enlightened state of the universe, “as it is.” All the phenomenal appearances are just the manifestative power of that true nature itself, “as they appear.” If we realize our own true nature, the ultimate peace, openness, oneness, and enlightenment, we are all Buddhas. Then all phenomena will spontaneously arise as the Buddha pure land, the power of the true nature.

Buddhism is the stages of the path to realize Buddhahood, and it is the teachings that inspire us to that realization.

Shakyamuni Buddha (fifth-fourth century BCE) is one of the many beings who became Buddha through the path of Buddhism in this age of ours. He is the master who propagated the path popularly known as Buddhism.

Tantras are the original esoteric scriptures of Buddhism. They include many Nyingma tantras, such as the tantras of the Longchen Nyingthig cycle. These are not necessarily the written records of words uttered by the Shakyamuni Buddha. However, they are Buddhist teachings since they came from the Buddha bodies, and they provide the methods that lead us to Buddhahood. Furthermore, they were discovered by the realized followers of Shakyamuni Buddha and are in harmony with his teachings.


THE Longchen Nyingthig lineage came from the primordial Buddha and reached Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798), the founder of the tradition, through the following lineage:

  1. Samantabhadra Dharmakaya
  2. Vajrasattva, Sambhogakaya
  3. Prahevajra (Garab Dorje), the Nirmanakaya, the first human master of Dzogpa Chenpo
  4. Mañjushrimitra
  5. Shrisimha
  6. Jñanasutra
  7. Vimalamitra received the Nyingthig transmissions from both Shrisimha and Jñanasutra
  8. Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava, received the Nyingthig transmissions from Shrisimha and Mañjushrimitra and concealed the teachings of Longchen Nyingthig, the essence of Nyingthig teachings, as ter (“treasure”). King Trisong Detsen (790-858), who was one of the previous incarnations of Jigme Lingpa, received Nyingthig teachings from Vimalamitra and Longchen Nyingthig teachings from Guru Rinpoche
  9. Künkhyen Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363) received the Nyingthig transmissions from Guru Rinpoche when he was princess Pemasal. He also received Nyingthig transmissions from Rigdzin Kumaradza and Shö Gyalse
  10. Rigzin Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798) discovered the Longchen Nyingthig as a mind ter and propagated it to his disciples. Thus he became the founder of the Longchen Nyingthig lineage. Jigme Lingpa was the incarnation of the king who received the Nyingthig transmissions from Guru Ripoche and Vimalamitra. Jigme Lingpa also was an incarnation of Vimalamitra and received the transmission from Longchen Rabjam in pure visions

In the different branches of lineages, from Lingpa himself to the present teachers, you will find that [often] a master is someone’s teacher and at the same time his disciple. This is because a master could receive a rare transmission or blessing from various sources, including his own disciple. Masters could also exchange teachings in order to receive transmissions that came through different lineages. Also, in order to train in the teachings, masters could receive the same transmission many times from the same or different masters. Receiving transmissions repeatedly is not just the beginning of a training, but is also the practice itself.


Dhamma wheel

Five Perfections of Dharma: the perfect… place; teacher; assembly; teaching; time

Three Defects of The Pot: the pot… upside-down; cracked; tainted 

Six Stains: pride, lack of faith, lack of effort, outward distractions, inward tension, discouragement 

Five Wrong Ways of Remembering:

  • remembering the words, forgetting their meaning
  • remembering their meaning, forgetting the words
  • remembering both, without understanding
  • remembering out of order
  • remembering incorrectly

Four Metaphors:  Ill, the Dharma my remedy, the teacher a skillful doctor, and diligent practice the way to recovery

Six Transcendent Perfections: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, wisdom

Eight States Without Freedom to Attain Liberation: born in hellish state, born in a ghoulish state, born as an animal,  a long-lived God, born as a barbarian, deaf and mute, born  when there has been no Buddha, having wrong views

Five Individual Advantages: born a human, in a central place, with one’s faculties, without conflicting lifestyle, with faith in Dharma 

Five Circumstantial Advantages: a Buddha has appeared, has preached the Dharma, his teachings still exist and can be followed, there are those who are kind-hearted

Eight  Incidental Circumstances (that leave no freedom to practice): misled by corrupting influences, possessed by five poisons (anger/hate, ignorance/delusion, desire/grasping, jealousy, pride/arrogance), overtaken by karmic forces, laziness, under the control of another, practicing out of insecurity or fear, pretending to practice, senseless stupidity

Eight  Incompatible Propensities (that leave no freedom to practice): not fully committed to renunciation, without faith in Dharma or teacher, too attached to wealth and/or family, engaged in degenerate behavior, not avoiding non-virtuous acts, not interested in the Dharma, breaking Sutrayana vows, breaking Tantrayana samaya commitments  

“If at this time I am unable to attain the essence, in the future it will be even more difficult to have the fortune to obtain a human life, so I must practice well in this life time.”

“Thus having found the freedoms of a human life, if now I fail to train myself in virtue, what greater folly could there ever be? How more could I betray myself?” -Bodhicharyavatara

From “Words Of My Perfect Teacher” Chapter 1, The Difficulty Of Finding The Freedoms and Advantages.

Beyond the Shore…

“… suppose that this great earth were to be an ocean upon which a single yoke were being tossed about by the wind and thus being moved from here to there. And suppose if under that ocean there were a blind turtle, do you think it would be easy for it to insert its head into that yoke when it rises to the surface only once every hundred years? In a similar fashion it is extremely hard to obtain the human state.” -Bodhicharyavatara


In the house of my father…
I find,
Blessings of my mother,
A memory from eve
of Christ’s Mass antecedent,
And comfort in namesake,
Child from Lebanon’s waters,
“Words are too poor and too
Scant to express the innermost
Feeling in the heart of man.”

Base of a Mediation Practice

ti-sarana saranagamana saranagamana saranagamana
om vajrasattva hum
ohm ah hum 
with full heart
empty hands
thus motivated I and I meditate on emptiness
and liberation of
all sentient beings
may all find refuge on the path of liberation
may all be without hate, greed, illusion
may I be of any means to such end
for as long as space remains
for as long as beings endure
so too may I abide to dispel suffering in samsara
om ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hung

soham p-hat

Bodhichitta Vows

Dhamma wheel

Taking the vow of Bodhicitta as explained in…

The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech (A Detailed Commentary on Shantidevas’s “Way of The Bodhisattva”)

Part One: The Generation of Bodhichitta Where It Has Not Previously Existed

Chapter Three: Taking Hold of Bodhichitta

§ The actual vow of Bodhichitta

First, lay the foundations of taking the vow:

  • “Please think of me. Please think of me. Please think of me.“
  • Take refuge in the Three Jewels three times.

The Bodhisattva vow of…

… intention
[23.a] Just as the previous Sugatas (“thus gone to bliss”)
Gave birth to an Awakening Mind,

[24.a] Likewise for the sake of all that lives
Do I give birth to an awaking mind,

… action
[23.b] And just as they successfully dwelt
In the bodhisattva practice,

[24.b] Likewise shall I, too,
Successfully follow the practices.

… intention and action
[23] Just as the previous Sugatas
Gave birth to an Awakening Mind,
And just as they successfully dwelt
In the bodhisattva practices;

[24] Likewise for the sake of all that lives
Do I give birth to an Awakening Mind,
And likewise shall I, too,
Successfully follow the practices.