
  1. Surely: There are those who suffer the torments of war, famine, plague. Surely we are in the realm of hells.…

  2. Practice of Austerities (detail): Practice the austerity of nourishment And take as sustenance essential sap Of stones and healing plants,…

  3. from “The Sutra that Perfectly Encapsulates the Dharma” “Let those who desire Buddhahood not train in many Dharmas but only…

  4. The Sanskrit noun योग yoga is derived from the root yuj (युज्) “to attach, join, harness, yoke.” Yoga is a…

  5. “With our humanity, we should do whatever we can to attain perfect, complete spiritual development so that we can be…

  6. sugata. (T. bde bar gshegs pa) In Sanskrit and Pāli, lit., “well gone,” one in a standard list of epithets…

  7. A mediative self reflection. Where is my mind? When sought it seems but stream of thoughts.

  8. As to be without hate, greed, and self-delusion is the aim, So to be without hate, greed, and self-delusion is…

  9. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one…

  10. A reflection on a meditation practice: For amidst infinite space and time any point center. Thus, mindfully abide with compassionate…

  11. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night By Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night, Old…

  12. svabhāva. (T. rang bzhin). In Sanskrit, “self-nature,” “intrinsic existence,” or “inherent existence,” the term has a general sense of “essence”…

  13. śūnyatā. (T. stong pa nyid). In Sanskrit, “emptiness”; the term has a number of denotations, but is most commonly associated…

  14. A lyricization iteration of “The Ancient Tibetan Cosmology” by Helmut Hoffman and G.W. Houston

  15. “…Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can free our minds…” From “Redemption Song” by Bob Marley, the final…

  16. From “Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way” by Shanideva “For as long as space remains, As long as sentient beings remain,…

  17. The Dalai Lama In “A Profound Mind…” on “The Four Noble Truths” This is the truth of suffering; These are…

  18. Reflective verse on ‘The Three Defects of the Pot’ read in “Words of My Perfect Teacher”

  19. Soto is a surname of Spanish origins commonly thought to refer to one who lived near or in a forest…

  20. Compare ‘rig pa’ with Greek ‘gnosis’:

  21. 24. “Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall…

  22. … As a bodhisattva, Samantabhadra is a principal bodhisattva of the MAHĀYĀNA pantheon, who is often portrayed as the personification…

  23. Latin text Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et sepultus est. English translation: And was crucified also for…

  24. “Where Does The Ocean Go?” Yoko Kanno ———————— all day the city’s selling something always, the busy people spinning ’round…

  25. gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha om tara tutare ture soha om mani padme hum om ah hum

  26. Lyrics: Time Adventure by Rebecca Sugar Time is an illusion that helps things make sense So we are always living…

  27. May all have attained And I be last, A fool who knows not what to do.

  28. “Fire is said to be another form of Sivah/Shiva. It is the third eye of the lord.” from Shiva Mahapurana

  29. “All time is but an instant to the Lord. For him there us neither past nor future; there is nothing…

  30. by Patrul Rinpoche The Root Text Herein is contained The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King, together with…

  31. Everyone usually has their own way of thinking and their own convictions about life, even if they can’t always define…

  32. Guru Puja: 1. Refuge 1. Within Great Bliss I manifest as a Guru-Yidam, From my clear body, profusion of light-rays…

  33. Jung on mandalas: “Formation, Transformation, Eternal Mind’s creation” -from “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”

  34. “To the ‘Buddhist’ śakti (divine power, of the creative female aspect of the highest God (Śiva) or his emanations) is…

  35. Science “knowledge (of something) acquired by study; information;” also “assurance of knowledge, certitude, certainty,” from Old French science “knowledge, learning,…

  36. “Matter is only a derivative consciousness and contains within it the fundamental knowledge, or seed, of its own spiritual potency,”…