Bodhicitta (Awakening Mind)

Dhamma wheel
From: The Dhammapada: Cittavagga (The Mind)

33. Just as an arrow-maker straitens an arrow shaft, even so the discerning person straitens his mind- so fickle and unsteady,  so difficult to guard and control. 

36.  Let the discerning person guard their mind, so difficult to detect and extremely subtle, wandering wherever it desires. A guarded mind brings happiness.  

43. Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do one greater good then one’s own well-directed mind.  

Thus said the Blessed One. 
From: A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life. 
By: Shantideva.

I. The Benefits of the Awakening Mind
4. Leisure and endowment are very hard to find;
And, since they accomplish what is meaningful for humanity,
If I do not take advantage of them now,
How will such a perfect opportunity come about again?

8. Those who wish to destroy the many sorrows of (their) conditioned existence,
Those who wish (all beings) to experience multitude of joys,
And those who wish to experience much happiness
Should never forsake the Awakening Mind.

15. In brief, the Awakening Mind
Should be understood to be of two types;
The mind that aspires to awaken
And the mind that ventures to do so.

25. This intention to benefit all beings,
Which does not arise in others even for their own sake,
Is an extraordinary jewel of the mind,
And its birth is an unprecedented wonder.

36. I bow down to the body of those
In whom the sacred precious mind is born.
I seek refuge in that source of joy
Who brings happiness even to those who bring harm.

III. Full Acceptance of the Awakening Mind
4. And with gladness I rejoice
In the ocean of virtue, for developing an Awakening Mind
That wishes all beings to be happy,
As well as in the deeds that bring them benefit.

24. Likewise, for the sake of all lives
Do I give birth to an Awakening Mind,
And likewise shall I, too,
Successfully follow the practices.

28. Just like a blindman
Discovering a jewel in a heap of rubbish,
Likewise, by some coincidence,
An Awakening Mind has been born within me.
From: Eight Verses for Training the Mind
By: Kadampa Geshe Langritangpa

5. In all actions may I watch my mind,
And as soon as disturbing emotions arise,
May I forcefully stop them at once,
Since they will hurt both me and others. 

Bodhicitta (Sanskrit) (Tibetan: byang chub kyi sems): An altruistic aspiration to attain full enlightenment for all beings. Bodhicitta is cultivated on the basis of certain mental attitudes, principle among them being the development of love and great compassion towards all beings equally.

From: The Handbook of Tibetan Culture, 1993.
Compiled by Graham Coleman


Dhamma wheel
Ras Tafari
“Were the thoughts of Plato and Socrates, the beliefs of Christianity and Judaism not harmonized with Hindu Philosophy: were Yoga and its previous stages not exposed to Western thought; had Western religion and philosophy not been exposed to the philosophy and religion of the East … how much the poorer would human thought have been! 

Since nobody can interfere in the realm of God, we should tolerate and live side by side with those of other faiths. In the mystic traditions of the different religions, we have a remarkable unity of spirit. Whatever religion we may profess, we are spiritual kinsmen. While the different religions in their historic form bind us to limited groups and militate against the development of loyalty to the world community, the mystics have already stood for the fellowship of humanity…in harmony with the spirit of the mystics of ages gone by.

 No one should question the faith of others, for no human being can judge the ways of God. However wise or however mighty a person may be, “he is like a ship without a rudder if “he is without God.”

H.I.M. Haile Selassie  

Ariya-sacca (Noble Truths)

[woodcut no. 2]
Cattāriariya-saccāni (The Four Noble Truths)

dukkha (truth of suffering)
tanhā (truth of attachment)
nirodha (truth of renunciation)
magga (truth of the path):

sammā-ditthi (right view)
sammā-sankappa (right intent)
sammā-vacca (right speech)
sammā-kammanta (right action)
sammā-ājīva (right livelihood)
sammā-vāyāma (right effort)
sammā-sati (right mindfulness)
sammā-samādhi (right concentration)

Delights of the Arcane in the Garden

Dhamma wheel
From The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
“All that is born, all that is created all the elements of nature are interwoven and united with each other. 
All that is composed shall be decomposed;
Everything returns to its roots;
Matter returns to the origins of matter. 
Those who have ears, let them hear.” 

Heaven’s Door

Dhamma wheel
Bardo of Becoming: 
Now when the bardo of becoming dawns upon me,
I will concentrate my mind one- pointedly,
And strive to prolong the results of good karma, 
Close the womb-entrance and think of resistance;
This is the time when perseverance and pure thought are needed,
Abandon jealousy and meditate on the Guru with his consort.      
-Bardo Thodol

Colliding Particles in a Bubble Chamber

Dhamma wheel
Bardo of dharmatā
Now when the bardo of dharmatā draws upon me
I will abandon all thoughts of fear and terror,
I will recognize whatever appears as my projection
And know it to be vision of the bardo;
Now that I have reached this crucial point,
I will not fear the peaceful and wrathful ones,
My own projections.
-Bardo Thodol

Cosmic Background Rose

Dhamma wheel
Bardo of the moment before death:
Now when the bardo of the moment before death draws upon me,
I will abandon all grasping, yearning and attachment,
Enter undistracted into clear awareness of the teaching,
And eject my consciousness into the space of unborn mind;
As I leave this compound body of flesh and blood
I will know it to be transitory illusion. 
-Bardo Thodol

Dream of a Sun Dance

Dhamma wheel
BarDo of Dreams
Now when the bardo of dreams  is drawing upon me,
I will abandon the corpse-like sleep of careless ignorance, and let my thoughts enter their natural state without distraction;
Controlling and transforming dreams in luminosity. 
I will not sleep like an animal 
But unify completely sleep and practice. 
-Bardo Thodol