
The preachings of a preacher
Are not the teaching of  the teacher.
At best an interpretation.
Worst, misrepresentation. 
Relying on another to imply,
Reliant on how to apply. 
Follow its course, 
Find purity of source. 


To hear but not listen, 
The pot upside down
In which no water can be found. 

To listen but not retain, 
The pot with holes that soon drains
And contains little of what rains. 

To retain but then taint, 
The pot that is soiled 
With contents spoiled. 


Narayana and Brahma
Like turbulence on surface of river,
Thoughts arise then subside.
Over bed river flows,
So mindstream goes.
As river is not individual drops, nor accretion, 
Mind not thoughts, nor stream of sensations,
Mere conceptualizations of dreamer’s creation. 


Mid-candle flame
    can no more interchange 
    with initial frame 
    of when first lit, 
tip of yet unlit wick. 
Flame as it is, 
its current existence,
    is conditioned
    from burning thence. 
As flame that exists 
    is consequence of 
    what was consumed
    fore hence, 
 So I,
    all since. 


Circle complete ends 
Where it begins.

Any coordinate plane
With curvature same,
Radius reciprocal.

Measure of perimeter
To bisecting line though center,
Irrational, transcendental.

Quintessential measurement
Of rational transcendental,
Devoid judgement,
Present in contemplation,
Compassion in perpetuation.

Soñar Boriken

Jibaro lo soy, 
desde ayer hasta hoy. 

En brazos abrazados, 
de alegría
yo cantaria,
de los reflejos del mañana
en las alas de una paloma.

Olvidando lo olvidado,
palabras en el viento engendrado. 

Todavía cantando,
porque todavía lo soy. 


Illusory singular irregularity
Of certainty’s regular singularity

Bound by 
Unknowable perpetual 
Boundless range,
Understood as
Abstraction of conceptual
Changeless change

Unattached Afflictions
Unattached Affections
Unattached Reflections  

At vertex of angle of incidence 
Thoughts reflect coincidence
Toward vantage at angle of reflection, 
From vector of perfection. 


True view is infinite and vast. 
Relax and release mind of thought.
Shatter that which arises, 
        with “p-hat!”
Transparent and clear at last, 
Recognize pure awareness sought,
Without notion such this or that. 

Meditate on rays of love and wisdom,
Rest in awareness beyond description. 
Abide by flow of primordial glow.
Decide with conviction absolute,
On one thing and one thing only, resolute. 

In action as the compassionate one, 
Momentary thoughts leave no trace, 
Like writing on ocean’s surface.
Arising and liberation become
natural and continuous cure,
Without trace and innately pure. 
With confidence in liberation of rising thoughts, succumb. 

For view is of three part in communion, 
Meditation is wisdom and love in union
Accompanied by action of compassion. 

(A reflective render on The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King)


Without suffering,
  no salvation to be won. 
Without adversity, 
  nothing to overcome. 

With nothing to surrender
  difficult to render realization
  of impermanence, 
  which leads to an awareness 
  of inherit emptiness, 
The awareness, 
  of  self-liberation. 

If on fire would one not extinguish? 
What does one do when hungry?
When tired and sleepy? 
When cold and fire burns low? 

In pain, seek relief, 
  when sick the cure. 
Before a reaping one must sow.