Bodhisattva Christo

From the Fallen One I learned 
Of the vanity in pride. 
Adam and Eve taught me that,
From the Creator you cannot hide.
Noah’s lesson, to be ever fearful. 
Abraham was the Knight most faithful. 
To the wandering tribes of Israel, 
God commanded of the covenant hold. 
Master Moses who late realized, 
With the Divine be not too bold. 

To David the Lord of all
Spoke of his temple in the heart. 
Erudite Solomon’s lesson, 
Better wise than smart.

From Mary Magdalene and the Apostles,
What greater gift than the Gospels,
Those teachings of the Trinity
Embodied in the Messiah, Christ the  Son,
That through compassionate love all are one.   
Namo Guru Christo. 

A Shade’s Song

Isle of the Dead by Arnold Böcklin
Not coins of silver, nor gold, nor platinum,
Are accepted as passage by somber Charon,
Who rules the coasts of Styx and Acheron.
His grisly conditioned outstretched hands  
Take not but copper to ferry from those pitch sands.

Only those who have kissed  obol with cold blue lips
Can board the grisly-hull which over shadow slips,
Of the psychopomp son of Erebos and Nyx,
The ferryman of ghosts across the river Styx.

Kin to Thantos  and Hypnos, death and sleep,
Guardian and guide for those who gravely weep,
Carrying away those  furloughed souls,
Over waters only navigable by his long pole.
Grey eyed and of keen gaze,
The one who sees through the deathly haze,
Where others  having met their doom
See no horizon only fog of  gloom.

Psyche he bears on skiff most stable,
Toward that dominion of Hades so sable.
Hail, shepherd of souls over waters raven
Bearer of spirits to the grey safe haven. 

Nāmarūpa (name and form)

Before having poured 
    Water in the glass,
Where was the glass of water?

Subject to dependent origination, 
    As were its constituent parts,
As was the one who poured.

Arising from the causes
   And consequences of  karma,
Its impermanence
    The source of dukkha,
Stemming from attachment. 

Neither existing nor not,
    Before conditioned arising,
As is the one who poured. 

On a story told…

In her secret garden I lay,
wishing she would say
Of the ancient story, 
When Israel’s glory 
Was to Egypt sold. 

The story she told,
 of a vibrant  luxurious coat,
Soaked in the  blood of a goat
And of a father’s heart broken
With naught but a crimson token. 

On Genesis we reflected 
And of the covenant rejected,
Wondering if we would have made
The choice for knowledge forbade, 
While in the secret garden I laid. 

Ode to nature’s forgotten children

Photo by Sophia,
These simple lines,  
When combined,
Into complex thoughts,
Simple phonemic symbols,
Ancient poets wrought,
With power to make one tremble.
Epics lyrical,
Conceptual miracles,
Tales of dawn’s hero’s,
Arjuna of old,
Achilles so bold.
Through time,
We forgot,
The lessons they taught,
Reverence of nature, 
from whom’s bosom we nurtured.
When childlike,
In virgin-woods we hiked.
We explored,
And the first-children adored.
Before we self-reveled,
And great mountains leveled.
For what?
For naught.
For paper gold,
Our mother we sold.  

To the muses I pray,
For the eloquence to say,
Of the pains I see,
That we make be,
With the felling of so many a tree.

In the glades, 
Under canopy shade,
Is where I would have my relics laid.
These earthy remains,
In the bosom I adore.