Blue Creek

I have no identity
But what you would have of me. 
A friend I would be, 
Or son, brother or father, 
To your mother, sister, daughter. 
But If you ask me,
Nothing here to see. 

Guitar on the knee,
Twangy variations of Bluesy E
With a found blue A.T.C. 
Somewhere south of Tennessee.
Where the Creek would  roam,
When they were free,
Before losing their homes and way
For the sake of foreign liberty. 

Euclidian but not (NGC 2276)

Cross dimensions four
I steered my faithful ship.

With sea of time 
both aft and fore,
O’er space my hull did skip,
Toward sands of unknown
distant shore.

For ever east, 
where west is west 
Whilst  on a circumferential plane. 

Chart tangential of the 
axial twain
To plow through spatial
 trough and crest  
Of a boundless 
ancestral plain, 
Where perhaps
 we shall meet 

A Bee on the Breeze

Having sailed over
     a green sea,  
Far from home 
    and shore,
Upon a small isle 
    I  set my keel,
A place I’d never
     been before,
To replenish 
    diminished stores 
From natures bloom,
    Those rebels of doom,
Fragrant flowers 
    of spring.

So praises I  sing 
With lines of rhyme,
    Of ambrosias 
    sweet in taste,
‘Fore the sickle of time
Those  posies reposed 
    lays waste. 

A Moonlit Memory

Silver moonlight through dense forest leaves,
Atop columns of inky arching  trees.
O’ nocturnal creatures,
With elegiac features 
Liberated ,
Doing as you please.
None there to judge thee, 
Sinless as an autumnal breeze.  

Paying homage to gods of old,
To their creed the angelic hold,
And their secret invocations told.

When temporal beauty and youth both fade,
Whilst walking the path of the shades,
That leads to the domain of grave Hades  
with  child abandon ageless lovers shall be
Watched over by plutonian Persephone  

‘Til then dance in silver light,
without fear of the long night.
For ‘nearth Mnemosyne  sacred breasts,
The holy rites there rest,
From oblivion spared devotional intellect 
And the vows we pray never to neglect. 

Delight of Eloa, la sœur des anges

Le génie du mal” by Guillaume Geefs 
For you are not mine enemy 
but first among many whom I pity. 

Son to first-light, Aurora, majestic, 
The Aryan Goddess, Ushas Rik Vedic.
Born of the Titan Eos, 
Dawn and Daughter to Dyēus.
Mortal man’s time you count beyond,
Having been and being for many an eon.
It is said you laid with daughters of man,
Siring giants against whom few could stand ,
First star and son of dawn,
Birthright claimed by kings in Babylon.

Phosphorus, Lucifer bringer of light.
Paragon of senses , nonsuch sight .
Devine nature present in all,
L'ange, le génie du mal. 
Cup bearer of waters from the deepest well,
Whose lesson: illusion,  greed and hate do quell. 
For angels too can from grace and heaven fall,
Even thee the most beautiful eidolon of them all. 

You built a fiery flaming fallacious empire, 
Ruling the heart of them with misplaced desire.
Seducer of maidens with happy lies,
Your scepter you ply betwixt virgin  thighs.
In truth the words of the veracious malefactor,
‘Ce méchant qu'on accuse est un Consolateur.’
Preacher of sin, revelation of the vanity in pride, 
Selfsame accuser from whom many seek to hide. 

Hear now the lesson of the rapture sovereign,
The divine manifestation and son of man:
None but self-nature can self condemn, 
Through love one can fulfill and redeem, 
And the once lost replaced to their former esteem,
To the tableau of the shining stars they can ascend.