Like breath in the wind,
the disillusioned see not
the three gems within.
Ideas realized
Like breath in the wind,
the disillusioned see not
the three gems within.
Profess how I long, Through metered song To rhythmic tick and every tock Of celestial cosmic clock, That counts by years, A turning golden gear, For thy scared kiss, Beloved, Eurydice, Veiled by chimeric myst Of the depths of hell, Where twice you fell. Forever together in heart, Ever in temporal plane apart.
Reflections during a summer solstice… Content in the realization that the declination of my Earthly Sol now travels north, toward final winter’s hibernation. To what point oratory hyperbole and grandiloquence bombast? Magniloquence verbosity with pomposity elocution? Eloquence replaced with rant and discourse, and oration displaced by balderdash fustian frustration. Waxing exclusive warring tribes, and inkish snide eclipsing waning inclusive benevolent compassion. You know not me, nor I any more learned of you. Where does humanity hide?
If wise then precious bought, for wisdom’s cost, all one sought. In transience there is but naught. Transcended, all lies in divine thought, awakening mind that knows all, beckoning voice that ever calls.
Finger swirl, temporal whirl around center not really there, atop a vast placid ocean. Dance done, dissipation, the aggregates of self, into time’s motion and a spatial sea sublime.
“Why?” The question which seeks answer to the root of conditioned causality. Intent behind purpose. Existentially asked by those ignorant to the nature of reality.
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Namo Gurus Wachowskis et. al.
To Son of Man The Lord the fruits of knowledge did forbid, For one who mistakes knowledge for wisdom the truth is hid. Knowledge is the cup that overflows, Wisdom the cup that emptiness holds. Claim not that thou are wise, Proclaim wisdom to be thy prize.
“... suppose that this great earth were to be an ocean upon which a single yoke were being tossed about by the wind and thus being moved from here to there. And suppose if under that ocean there were a blind turtle, do you think it would be easy for it to insert its head into that yoke when it rises to the surface only once every hundred years? In a similar fashion it is extremely hard to obtain the human state.” From Bodhicharyavatara
May I, for the sake of all beings, be ever mindful of intent to develop perfect renunciation for bodhicitta (awakening mind) of prajnaparamita (perfect wisdom).
om soham (x4)
In the ti-sarana (three refuges) of Buddha, Dhamma, and Shangha, I seek refuge…
As to take refuge in the three jewels is to give refuge, with intent to give refuge, I go…
I give reverence to Buddha Shakyamuni, the Perfectly Enlightened One, and his twelve principle deeds…
May I realize the causes and consequences of paticca-samuppāda (dependent origination)…
May I be ever conscious of ariya-sacca (the noble truths) [1-4] and the eightfold path [5-12]…
May I be diligent toward the paramitas (the six perfections) [1-6] for sake of all beings in the six realms of cyclic existence [7-12]…
May I develop determination toward attainment of the three principle aspects of the path for the sake of all beings and their bliss…
May I be ever mindful of altruistic intent and of true buddha nature. and meditate on the…
Namo Gurubhāya
Namo Buddhāya
Namo Dharmāya
Namo Sanghāya (x3)
May I take on defeat and offer victory.
om vajrasattva hum
om mani padme hum
What was one concealed, The mysteries of the cosmos, The aspiring mystikos To self would reveal.
Conscious that there is only one religious source, self, and that outward displays of one’s religious observances are but metaphor of inner observance, creed.
A fourth of the flock, By the three forgot, Near night’s opened door, Lifeless laid on the floor. Life’s brief dream, Fallen leaf in a stream, Mere memory evermore. Matter matters not, But carnage in rot, By wood-handled spade In earthen-clay laid. To higher realms I pray you soar.