words in the absurd

(a stream of consciousness poem)

Liver goes down to Texas and has tea with a maid. 
She says “Thanks. Let’s move on.” 
Meanwhile, angles dance on pigeon wings and lift spirits on high. 
Local teens run in streams of ever lasting byes. 
Sentences steam and puke up yesterdays bile and kings and queens on satin beds read newspapers from the Nile. 
Greeks midst pantheons, with noses turned up high. 
The Shah in Persia-Old buried beneath the tide.  
Plague creeps down city streets freeing up many beds. 
Blunt edged swords sever from the shoulders up, leave empty heads. 
Cinnamon, salt, pepper, thyme on bread sliced by time. 
Music plays unheard, books open unread. 
This  year spring proceeds summer as fall’s a corpse in the gorge. 
“My name’s May” she says. 
The Oolong will do fine.  

L’amour Vainqueur et la Vie Opportune

Melancholic melody
Played in the key of flat D,
Somber  metered masquerade, 
Times the harlequin charade  

When the span of 'man is past,
Promenade emptied of parade,
And passed, the one that shall  be last,

When clock-springs  at last unspool, 
And history long forgotten,
By reckoning celestial, 
A drop unexceptional 
In infinity's pool

For whom shall it then mournfully play?
What doleful dancer shall its tune sway?
When all built lies in desolate ruin, 
Who shall listen to “Clair de lune?

“Clair de lune” (Moonlight)

Suite bergamasque, Third movement by Claude Debussy

Clair de lune (French Poem)
by: Paul Verlaine

Votre âme est un paysage choisi
Que vont charmant masques et bergamasques
Jouant du luth et dansant et quasi
Tristes sous leurs déguisements fantasques.

Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur
L'amour vainqueur et la vie opportune
Ils n'ont pas l'air de croire à leur bonheur
Et leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune,

Au calme clair de lune triste et beau,
Qui fait rêver les oiseaux dans les arbres
Et sangloter d'extase les jets d'eau,
Les grands jets d'eau sveltes parmi les marbres
Translated by: Gibran

Your soul, a landscape of choice made
Where charming masquerading dancers parade,
Playing the lute as they promenade ecstatic,
Sad beneath disguises fantastic.

While singing a minor key tune
Of vanquishing love and a life opportune,
They are incredulous of their own boon,
As their song blends with light of the moon.

From that light of the moon, happiness flees,
While the birds sleep dreaming in the trees,
It bathes sobbing fountains inconsolable,
While svelte water streams among statues of marble.

A Universe in a Glass of Water

Were a glass of water to represent
State of perfected attainment,
    It would not be perfected,
If not the whole of it, 
    including every drop of water,
    were part.

And so the whole and its parts
Can be considered perfected. 

“… without exception, all phenomena are empty of substantial self-existence and do not exist independently…”


Significance of Insignificance.

Image of Earth below rings of Saturn, captured by Cassini space probe
The insignificance  of significance,
    Incredibly we can gaze from the Vantage of a distant planet,
    Upon our homeward  in marvel,
And yet collectively not strive to preserve it,
That is the greater wonder. 

May we one day appreciate  significance of insignificance.

Eden Lost

How unfortunate to think
Eden forbidden and mythic. 

For any spot on Earthly sphere, 
    Not spoiled nor exploited
    by industries’ grinding gear,
        And greed’s insatiable 
        Need to exploit for gain
        Again and again,
Is Eden paradisic. 

What is this planet  Earth,
If not  a paradise in the vastness
Of empty spacial dearth.  

Mother’s Love

Parvati, Mother Goddess and wife of Sivah, with her infant son Ganesha. Unknown artist.
To her offspring
    the goddess 
perpetually speaks. 

Her voice realized 
    by those  who
Wisdom  seek. 

In your own words.  
her voice can be heard. 

Of the  profound mystery,
It is she who holds the key.