In Process…

South of st louis, 
Two strays took canvas
Through plains of kansas
Via missouri.

Betwixt plains and hills.

 Mountain dark shadows
Over elk king’s meadow,
There snow-melt stream
Divided sun and  moon beams.

Where flats met heights,
 Rung sacred rites,
Sung by the sands of time 
Casting shadowy lines. 

Links thus Link

From ignorance, conception
    and volitional action,
Thus consciousness is born,
Giving rise to name and form,
That sense sources inform. 

Contact abstracts,
Feelings impact,
Attachment to never-lasting,
To which one is ever grasping. 

Succumbing thus becoming,
    In birth
But age and death. 

In Aggregation, 
Causes and Conditions, 
Dependent Origination.   

Essentially Pure Nothing

Ardhanarishvara, c. 1800 CE
Inherently Interdependent.
Empty of independent self. 
Nothing stays the same,
Essentially nothing.
Pure of essence, 
Essentially pure.
Nothing is pure,
Pure is nothing. 

“I am Prakriti and you are Purusha, without me you are actionless, attributeless, and qualityless. You are also incomprehensible.

Parvati Seeks Her Lord (Shiva)

Idle stones

Intent was just, if you would judge, we pray you do thus.

Laws some free,
Other some bind,
Should you find
Laws enslave thee
By unjust chains
Of self proclaimed
Exclaim, by any means,
Law applies to all,
Its walls and beams
And sacred halls,
The innocent
And the guilty.