Where I

Ponderously Planting trees,
Whose prospective shade
In full bloom will not shelter me,
who aspires for whom,
If all, even “I” are empty?

The guide to land of milk and honey
Promised they who followed,
Tribes that once worshiped hollows, 
Over countless dunes of sand
There they'd find the promised holy land,
Consecrated by where would stand
No man but son of man.

For on the tribal pyre,
Burns liberties fire. 

Ponderously Planting trees,
Who and whom would free,
If all by self are freed? 


A thing can only be described
  by its constituent parts. 
A tree is it’s leaves, 
  roots, trunk, and bark... 
I, of mind, body, heart...

And parts themselves but part. 

Where does a thing end, 
Where does it start
When collective  but part
  of still some greater part? 

Between You and I

Harmony rings
When tensioned string
Neither loosely bound
Nor overly wound

Between extremes 
Life and death 
At last breath... 

Polynucleotides bound
In-coiled around,
Helix paired
Macromolecular cipher

... When, mid
Unit of time
Planck defined?

Where all is center
What surrounds?
When all within 
What enters?

Auld Acquaintance Forgot

Wrought by hand
Shall not long stand
When reckoned 
By eternal. 

Fore thrice had crowed
The cockerel, 
And the reaping 
Of denarii sowed, 
Truth betrayed, 
Compassion waylaid. 
Millenia thence,  
Mans’ offense,
Heart’s recompense.
By eternal beckoned, 
To  eternal reckoned. 

Domains of man
Lie neath the sands
Of cyclic time and 
Doctrines mimed 
Without the seed 
of divine creed. 

Millenia hence, 
Heart’s offense,
Mans’ recompense. 
By eternal reckoned,
To eternal beckoned.