
In the house of my father…
I find,
Blessings of my mother,
A memory from eve
of Christ’s Mass antecedent,
And comfort in namesake,
Child from Lebanon’s waters,
“Words are too poor and too
Scant to express the innermost
Feeling in the heart of man.”

Base of a Mediation Practice

ti-sarana saranagamana saranagamana saranagamana
om vajrasattva hum
ohm ah hum 
with full heart
empty hands
thus motivated I and I meditate on emptiness
and liberation of
all sentient beings
may all find refuge on the path of liberation
may all be without hate, greed, illusion
may I be of any means to such end
for as long as space remains
for as long as beings endure
so too may I abide to dispel suffering in samsara
om ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hung

soham p-hat


Long I sought 
Self I thought.
But no self found,
To no self bound.
In thought profound,
Desire most innate,
Pursuit self liberty.

Like Candle Light

Dhamma wheel

“Life flickers in the flurries of a thousand ills, more fragile than the bubbles on a stream. In sleep, each breath departs and is again drawn in; How wondrous that we wake up living still!”

– from the “Suhrullekha”