[Buddy] Free[s] Guy

From Free Guy (film, 2021)

GUY: Buddy, what would you do if you found out that you weren’t real? 
BUDDY: I say, okay, so what if I’m not real?

GUY: I’m sorry. “So what?”

BUDDY: Yeah. So what?

Guy: (SCOFFING) But if you’re not real, doesn’t that mean that nothing you do matters?

BUDDY: What does that mean? Look, brother, I am sitting here with my best friend, trying to help him get through a tough time. Right? And even if I’m not real, this moment is. Right here, right now. This moment is real. I mean, what’s more real than a person tryin’ to help someone they love? Now, if that’s not real, I don’t know what is.

Uncertainly Certain

“Teacher, you say, “What is to one may not be to another, and what is not to one may be to another.” Could you elaborate on the meaning of this?”

“All things are inherently empty, dependent on conditioning, and interdependently conceptualized. Thus there is subjective variance in conceptual existence of a thing, as all things are of parts. If you were to add water one drop at a time to an empty glass, when would it be considered full? When an observer recognizes it as full.”

The student sat in reflection, after some time he replies,
“In sea of thoughts
my mind swims.
Not any one of them,
Nor any me.
But what you see.”

“Good. Good. Very good.”


“Teacher, you say, “Only that without beginning has no end, and only that without end has no beginning.” What, if anything, is without beginning? What, if anything, is without end?”

“If the continuum of space had an initial instant, it would have arisen from no cause or from cause not substantially commensurate with its nature. Both possibilities are contrary to and thereby negated by the law of cause and effect, thus the continuum must have no beginning.”

“Similarly, if the mind continuum had an initial instant, it would have arisen from no cause or from cause not substantially commensurate with its nature. Both possibilities are contrary to and thereby negated by the law of cause and effect, thus the continuum must have no beginning.”

Upon reflection the student then replies, “Space gives rise to space as mind gives rise to mind, without beginning, without end.”

“Good. Good. Very good. 


“Teacher, you have said, ‘Truly happy is the one who desires happiness for others and not self.’ How can one find happiness if one doesn’t desire happiness for themself?”

“‘Whatever suffering there is comes from desiring happiness for oneself.’ All phenomena that one seeks to find happiness in will eventually be source of misery, this very realization is itself cause for renunciation, the cessation of suffering. The life span of an ant is insignificant when compared to that of man. The lifespan of a man insignificant when compared to that of Earth. The span of the Earth insignificant compared to the cosmos, and further there are infinite universes, impossible to comprehend. So what is there to be attached to but the path that leads to transcendental awareness? Why waste this precious existence on anything other than peaceful  realization? One with diligent awareness is not attached to what is temporal. Freed from miseries, that one desires only this same realization of the path to happiness for all unaware beings. Only one self-liberated and devoted to liberating others of their miseries is steadfastly happy.”

Upon reflecting on his master’s lesson, the student replies, “One must realize causality to be freed from causality.”

“Good. Good. Very good.”


The preachings of a preacher
Are not the teaching of  the teacher.
At best an interpretation.
Worst, misrepresentation. 
Relying on another to imply,
Reliant on how to apply. 
Follow its course, 
Find purity of source. 

V838 Monocerotis Light Echo

V838 Monocerotis a spectroscopic binary star system (a binary star evident from the Doppler effect) in the constellation Monoceros about 19,000 light years from the Sun. Identified as a luminous red novae, thought to have been [caused by the] merger of two stars within a triple system.

V838 Monocerotis and its light echo as imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope on December 17, 2002
Images showing the expansion of the light echo. Credit: NASA/ESA.

light echo is a physical phenomenon caused by light reflected off surfaces distant from the source, and arriving at the observer with a delay relative to this distance. The phenomenon is analogous to an echo of sound

Reflected light following path B arrives shortly after the direct flash following path A but before light following path C. B and C have the same apparent distancefrom the star as seen from Earth.
Direct light from a stellar outburst (white spot) reaches the observer (path 0) followed by light reflected off particles on progressively wider paraboloids (1–5): the observed disc apparently initially expands faster than light but the illusion is due to light reflecting off different unrelated particles
Animation of 11 images of light echo of V838 Mon

In the case of V838 Monocerotis, the light echo produced was unprecedented and is well documented in images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. While the photos appear to depict an expanding spherical shell of debris, they are actually formed by the illumination of an ever-expanding ellipsoid with the progenitor star at one focus and the observer at the other. Hence, despite appearances, the structures in these photos are actually concave toward the viewer.

Source Wikipedia: V838 Monocerotis, Light echo


To hear but not listen, 
The pot upside down
In which no water can be found. 

To listen but not retain, 
The pot with holes that soon drains
And contains little of what rains. 

To retain but then taint, 
The pot that is soiled 
With contents spoiled. 


“Teacher, you have said ‘There is nothing to comprehend. Nothing to attain.’  Yet you have practiced for many years with great masters, have spent countless hours studying the texts and commentaries, and even more in reflective meditation?”

“Nothing is very difficult to comprehend. Nothing is very difficult to attain.”