Artist Inc.

Reflective on immediacy
And self mortality,
Artist creates
Through medium,
Wherein they
Endeavor to portray
That about life, death, and love
They wish to say,
This the artist’s way.


According to the Madhyamikas, we can speak of two aspects of perception. From one point of view, it is valid; from another point of view, it is deceptive or deluded. From this understanding we can attribute two aspects to a single event of cognition. Just because we have valid, direct experiences of objects does not mean that these things and events experienced by us possess objective, intrinsic existence.

Practicing Wisdom

“Every statement of view, however certain one may strive to make it, can never, on the relative level, be more than a point of view.”

Translator’s Introduction to “The Wisdom Chapter” Jamgön Mipham

By studying others’ points of view, it is possible for us to discover new and refreshing perspectives on the world.

Practicing Wisdom


There are those who suffer the torments of war, famine, plague. 
Surely we are in the realm of hells.
There are those who suffer from greed and can never consume enough.
Surely we are in the realm of hungry ghosts.
There are those who suffer from being hunted, preyed upon, enslaved.
Surely we are in the realm of beasts.
There are those who suffer the heartaches of humanity and practice compassion.
Surely we are in the realm of humans.
There are those who fly in the air, ride in horseless iron chariots.
Surely we are in the realm of the Demi-gods.
There are those who can annihilate millions with grave weapons of war.
Surely we are in the realm of the Gods.

If I do not practice compassion diligently, if I do not guard my mind, surely I will suffer in Samsara.

Promethean Quest

In quest to find that perfect,

It wise that intellect reflect,

How self for self defines perfect,

And rest in reflection of perfection.   

“The mind is the sole generator of good and bad. There are many occasions when the thoughts which arise in the mind, even if they are not translated into speech or action, have a very strong positive or negative effect. So always examine your mind.” – Words of My Perfect Teacher.

4 Truth

4 reflection on  a multifaceted jewel so as I may understand:

The first truth, the nature of existence understood, exemplified succinctly by the three characteristics of existence.

The second truth, abandonment of illusion, exemplified  succinctly by the 12 links of dependent origination.

The third truth, realization, exemplified  succinctly by the three aspects of the path: determination to be free; arousing Bodhicitta (awakening mind); Prajnaparamita (perfected wisdom). 

The fourth truth, the way of the Conqueror, it is simply the Eightfold Path of developing morality, concentration, and wisdom, in which the first step therein is itself “Right View” established on these same Four Noble Truths.

All (practice, realization itself) are dependent on causation wherein what is to be realized is not. 

Abiding (Da Capo al Fine)

…Taking refuge, intent on arousing bodhichitta,
In meditation beyond conceptualization,
Dedicating practice’s merits accumulation. 

May all attain their heart’s most profound aspiration,
Realizing emptiness, finding refuge on path to liberation,
Buddhas and bodhisattvas abiding without hate, greed, nor illusion.

May I be of any means to such end,  as long there remains spacial  persistence,
As long as beings endure disillusioned insistence,
So too may I abide, dispelling suffering in Samsara’s cyclic existence… 