The Razor’s Age (Path of Love)

Dhamma wheel

Into to song “Path of Love” by Atman off of album “Nirvana Lounge,” sampling movie “The Razor”s Edge”

Katha Upanisad: The Method of Yoga

12. The Self, though hidden in all beings, does not shine forth but can be seen by those subtle seers, through their sharp and subtle intellect. 

13. The wise should restrain speech in mind; one should restrain the latter in understanding self. The understanding one should restrain in the great self. That a person should restrain in the tranquil self. 

14. Arise, awake, having attained thy boons, understand them. Sharp as the edge of a razor and hard to cross, difficult to tread is that path sages declare. 

15. (The self) without sound, without touch and without form, un-decaying, is likewise, without taste, eternal, without smell, without beginning, without end, beyond the great, abiding, by discerning that, one is freed from the face of death. 

16.  This ancient story of Naciketas told by Death (Yama), telling and hearing it, a wise man grows great in the world of Brahmā. 

17. Whoso shall cause to be recited this supreme secret before an assembly of Brāhamanas or devoutly at the time of the ceremonies for the dead, this will prepare (for him) everlasting life, this will prepare everlasting life.   
“Path of Love” by Atman off of album “Nirvana Lounge”


From: Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness by John Donne

“I joy, that in these straits I see my west; 
For, though their currents yield return to none, 
What shall my west hurt me? As west and east 
In all flat maps (and I am one) are one, So death doth touch the resurrection.”

Blue Creek

I have no identity
But what you would have of me. 
A friend I would be, 
Or son, brother or father, 
To your mother, sister, daughter. 
But If you ask me,
Nothing here to see. 

Guitar on the knee,
Twangy variations of Bluesy E
With a found blue A.T.C. 
Somewhere south of Tennessee.
Where the Creek would  roam,
When they were free,
Before losing their homes and way
For the sake of foreign liberty. 

Delights of the Arcane in the Garden

Dhamma wheel
From The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
“All that is born, all that is created all the elements of nature are interwoven and united with each other. 
All that is composed shall be decomposed;
Everything returns to its roots;
Matter returns to the origins of matter. 
Those who have ears, let them hear.”