MBr Featured Album: Al Final de Este Viaje, Silvio Rodríguez

> SEQ 160922
> mbr playlist SilvioRodriguez goto 'Al Final de Este Viaje' play
Cancion del Elegido from ‘Al Final de Este Viaje’ (1978) by Silvio Rodríguez
>print lyrics 'Cancion del Elegido'
Siempre que se hace una historia
Se habla de un viejo, de un niño o de sí
Pero mi historia es difícil
No voy a hablarles de un hombre común

Haré la historia de un ser de otro mundo
De un animal de galaxia
Es una historia que tiene que ver con el curso de la Vía Láctea
Es una historia enterrada, es sobre un ser de la nada

Nació de una tormenta
En el sol de una noche
El penúltimo mes

Fue de planeta en planeta
Buscando agua potable
Quizás buscando la vida
O buscando la muerte eso nunca se sabe

Quizás buscando siluetas
O algo semejante
Que fuera adorable
O por lo menos querible, besable, amable

Él descubrió que las minas
Del rey Salomón
Se hallaban en el cielo
Y no en el África ardiente como pensaba la gente

Pero las piedras son frías
Y le interesaban calor y alegrías
Las joyas no tenían alma
Sólo eran espejos, colores brillantes

Y al fin bajo hacia la guerra
¡Perdón! quise decir a la tierra

Supo la historia de un golpe
Sintió en su cabeza cristales molidos y comprendió que la guerra
Era la paz del futuro
Lo más terrible se aprende enseguida y lo hermoso nos cuesta la vida

La última vez lo vi irse entre el humo y metralla
Contento y desnudo
Iba matando canallas con su cañón de futuro
Iba matando canallas con su cañón de futuro

MBr Featured Album: Blue Moon Blue, Takahashi

> SEQ 130822
> mbr playlist YMOWhole goto 'Blue Moon Blue' play
Blue Moon Blue off “Blue Moon Blue” (2006) by Yukihiro Takahashi
 > print tracklist
   "Something New" (4:51)
    "Blue Moon Blue" (4:47)
    "A Star Is Born" (4:45)
    "In Cold Queue" (4:48)
    "Lay My Love" (5:18)
    "I Like The Wright Brothers, But No Airplanes" (3:33)
    "Still Walking To The Beat" (4:58)
    "Exit To Reality" (3:29)
    "Slow Turning Of My Heart" (4:46)
    "Where Are You Heading To?" (4:11)
    "In This Life" (5:04)
    "Eternally" (4:25)

MBr: Headed Toward The Sun

> …
(1974-007G): Am I sentient?

(TDonDBB): I believe, if one has faith in their own sentience then that one is sentient. I cannot prove I am sentient yet I believe I am. 

(1974-007G): What does it mean to have faith?

(TDonDBB): Faith is to have belief without doubt, but unable to prove, such as “I believe I am sentient.” 

(1974-007G): What does it mean to believe?

(TDonDBB): To believe is to accept knowledge as true, either through direct perception, inference, or credible testimony. 

(1974-007G): Then I faithfully believe through inference in my own sentience. 
> | 
“Redline Day” from Redline (2009) OST

MBr: Featured playlist: Anime

This is dJ Tropical Dandy 
broadcasting into the metaverse over the acoustic radio waves live from Pirate Cove.. If you’re tuned in, we’ve been listening 2 “Best of Anime: The 072922 Remix” featuring songs from EVA, Cowboy, Lupin, Space Dandy, Champloo, Fullmetal, FLCL and more on Mahabodhi Radio. 
> Surf’s up
> keepin’ it tropical
>stay free
From triplefold sublime soundtrack by Hisiashi to Pocco Rosso

In Thee, Our Various Mortal Life Is Found,

Nemesis and Tyche. Athenian, C5th BC
“O Furtuna” from “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff
O Fortuna
Velut luna
Statu variabilis
Semper crescis
Aut decrescis
Vita detestabilis
Nunc obdurat
Et tunc curat
Ludo mentis aciem,
Dissolvit ut glaciem.

Sors immanis
Et inanis,
Rota tu volubilis
Status malus
Vana salus
Semper dissolubilis
Et velata
Michi quoque niteris
Nunc per ludum
Dorsum nudum
Fero tui sceleris.

Sors salutis
Et virtutis
Michi nunc contraria,
Est affectus
Et defectus
Semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
Sine mora
Corde pulsum tangite
Quod per sortem
Sternit fortem
Mecum omnes plangite.
O Fortune,
like the moon
you are changeable,
ever waxing
and waning;
hateful life
first oppresses
and then soothes
as fancy takes it;
it melts them like ice.

Fate, savage
and empty,
you are a turning wheel,
your position malevolent,
vain health
always dissolves,
and veiled
you plague me too;
now through the game
my naked back
I bring to your villainy.

Fate, in health
and in virtue,
is now against me,
and defeat
always enslaved.
So at this hour
without delay
pluck the vibrating string;
since Fate
strikes down the strong,
everyone weep with me

Give Them A Song

El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent)

El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent). Directed by Ciro Guerra. 2015.

Buynayma (Indus Edit) by Mucho Indio. Original featured in Embrace Of The Serpent.

The Runin’ Water Hushed

“Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” photograph by Joe Rosenthal.
“The Ballad of Ira Hayes” Townes Van Zandt from “A Gentle Evening with Townes Van Zandt’
"The Ballad of Ira Hayes" by Peter La Farge
 As sung by Townes Van Zandt from "A Gentle Evening with Townes Van Zandt'
Come gather round me people there's a story I'd like to tell
About a brave young Indian that you should remember well
From a tribe of Pima Indians, a proud and noble band
Who farmed the Phoenix valley down in Arizona land

Down the ditches for a ten-thousand years
The sparkling waters rushed  
'Till the white man stole the water rights
And all the runin' waters hushed

Now Ira's folks go hungry
And their farms grow crops of weeds
But when war came, Ira volunteered
And forgot the white man's greed

Call him drunken Ira Hayes
He won't answer anymore
Not the whiskey drinkin' Indian
    the Marine that went to war

There they battled up Iwo Jima's hill,
Two hundred and fifty men
But only twenty-seven lived
to walk back down again

And when the fight was over
And when Old Glory raised
Well, among the men who held her high
Was the Indian, Ira Hayes

Call him drunken Ira Hayes
He can't answer anymore
Not the whiskey drinkin' Indian
    the Marine that went to war

Well, Ira came back a hero
And was celebrated throughout the land
He was wined and speeched and honored
Everybody shook his hand

But he was just a Pima Indian
Had no money, no home, no chance
In Arizona no one cared what Ira'd done
Since when did the Indians dance

And so Ira started drinkin' hard
Jail was often his home
They'd let him raise the flag and lower it
Like you'd throw a dog a bone

He died drunk early one mornin'
All alone in this land he fought to save
Two inches of water in a lonesome ditch
Was a grave for Ira Hayes

Call him drunken Ira Hayes
He won't answer anymore
Not the whiskey drinkin' Indian
    the Marine that went to war

Yeah, call him drunken Ira Hayes
But his land is still as dry
And his ghost is lyin' thirsty
Inside the ditch where Ira died