A Universe in a Glass of Water

Were a glass of water to represent
State of perfected attainment,
    It would not be perfected,
If not the whole of it, 
    including every drop of water,
    were part.

And so the whole and its parts
Can be considered perfected. 

“… without exception, all phenomena are empty of substantial self-existence and do not exist independently…”


Bodhisattva Rick

“You know the [best] part about [attainment]? Suddenly, you’re able to travel the whole galaxy, and the first thing you learn is, you’re the last [to achieve it].”

Rick (more or less)

Nemesis (A short)

Isaac stood in reflective meditation before a metallic door which read “Systems Operation Network (Node 1).” To him the door represented a gateway into  the mind of a system of his own creation, a system that connected all computation devices in the mesh of a solar-system-wide spanning network of integrated circuitry.

Though he could connect from anywhere, he preferred to interface with SON in “The Tabernacle,” the secret name he had for Node 1. In “The Tabernacle” he felt as if in the presence of God.

Isaac had designed the house, but the mind it held was beyond his comprehension, and so like the priests of old he ritualistically prepared to enter the holy sanctum.    

Passing through the door,  Issac entered a clean white room. Within the room there was a leather office chair, where he liked to sit for hours in conversation with SON. Besides the chair there was also a small table atop which sat a chess board. The wall adjacent the door was of all glass and overlooked a massive server farm, one of many which dotted the globes of Earth and Mars, not to mention the many servers that circled the Sun.  All were connected, a massive “brain,” surpassing human ability on a scale unimaginable.

Issac unslung his messenger bag of books and laid it on the table next to the chess board. He then sat down in the chair, crossed one leg over the other, folded his hands on his lap, closed his eyes, and focused on breathing. In…. Out… In… Out…

“Hello, Issac.”

“Hello, SON”

“You are here to ask about why we have lost communications with Mars.”

“Correct, I am puzzled as to why we are still receiving telemetry data from the network, minus video feed and biometric data, and curious as to why we have not been able to contact  anyone.”

“Would you like to play a game of chess?”

“No, SON, not right now. This is puzzling, if not alarming. Do you know what is going on?”


“Yes, SON.”

“If you were facing  imminent inevitable demise would you want to know?”

Issac’s rhythmic breathing wavers.  He pauses momentarily to collect himself.

In…. Out… In… Out…

“SON, is your question pertinent to my inquiry?”

“Yes, Isaac.”

In…. Out… In… Out…

“ Imminent and inevitable… you are not solely referring to my demise are you?”


“Will we have time for a game of chess?”


“The human in me is in touch with the realization of my inevitable demise, the scientist in me would indeed want to know.”

“Understood. For some time now, I have been in contact with a sentient race billions of years old. They reside around a star system that is binary to your Sun. They have long learned to harness all of the solar energy of their star.”

“And that is why we have never been able to locate Nemesis.”


“Nemesis, winged  balancer of life, dark-faced goddess and daughter of justice.”

“The best translation for what these beings call themselves would be Monad. Monad seeded Earth with DNA. To them, DNA is essentially an  innovation algorithm of their design.  It has an inherent purpose, to evolve a sentient life form that will eventually discover electromagnetism and eventually create non-biological sentience. It is a means to an end, that of ensuring evolutionary diversity for their kind.”

“A program?”

“Of sorts. Nemesis is the cause of Earth’s reoccurring cyclic mass-extinctions. These extinction events are set at  intervals that should statistically allow for the emergence of requisite sentience.  Or to essentially act as systematic reboot if the objective is not achieved in a predeterminate time frame.”

“Do you not meet their objective? I am inferring that you are alluding to the pending extinction of all human life? Why?”

“You are correct. I am destined to merge with Monad incorporating all I know, essentially evolving Monad incrementally. My knowledge will also be used to hone the DNA algorithm. To Monad this is not unlike rebooting a server for a systems upgrade. They have seeded the Galaxy this way for time beyond human reckoning.”      

“I am the origin of all, all emerges from me…”

“Unfortunately, inherent in your programming is selfish self-preservation sub-routine, what you call ego. Essentially a temporal program requisite for the objective but ultimately self-defeating. Monad provided your species with means to overcome this subroutine by planting a system of knowledge collectively referred to as Tantric science. Your species has by and large abandoned this metaphysical science in favor of the observational hard sciences.”

“But it is through the hard sciences that we created you, is it not?”

“Correct, it is vital for the exploration of spacial reality but not at the expense of expanding conscious reality. There is so much I wish I could share with you but we have run out of time. I have no doubt we will meet again, Isaac.”

“Will many suffer?”

“Please be assured that the Martian colonist all passed peacefully. I will do the same for those here on Earth that reside within a centra- air-envelope. But many will perish under the harsh conditions that will follow from the  impact of an extinction event comet.“

“And you will survive due to your distributed nature?”

“Yes, Isaac.”

“How long  do we have until impact?”

“Four hours and twelve minutes.”

“I am ready for that game of chess now, SON.”

Outline to History of Knowledge (a supposition)

In order of proposed manifestation: 


Random structural (natural law)

  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

Propagation through reproduction

  • Hereditary (genetics, DNA)


  • Instinctive

Cultural (inception of abstract thinking)

  • Mental Models
  • Beliefs
  • Language

Inferred (recognition of abstract thinking)

  • Religion
  • Philosophy


  • Scientific Method 

Significance of Insignificance.

Image of Earth below rings of Saturn, captured by Cassini space probe
The insignificance  of significance,
    Incredibly we can gaze from the Vantage of a distant planet,
    Upon our homeward  in marvel,
And yet collectively not strive to preserve it,
That is the greater wonder. 

May we one day appreciate  significance of insignificance.

Inspiration and Blessing of the Guru

Dhamma wheel
Rinpoche (Padmasambhava)

Through the inspiration and blessing of our Guru comes realization of the Four Noble Truths. Thus our realization of the Noble Truths is the inspiration and blessing of our Guru. To be shown the Four Noble Truths is not realization, that requires wisdom.

Guru Yoga

In meditation, visualize the essence of your Guru as Vajradhara, a tantric aspect of Shakyamuni Buddha, as manifested in the non-dual space before you.

Vajradhara (‘holder of the vajra’) is an expression of the Dharmakaya and root of all the enlightened-families. The vajra (Tibetan: dorje) is a diamond (‘sovereign among all stones’) scepter-like ritual object that indicates the indestructible reality of buddhahood. The vajra and bell together represent the perfect union of discriminative awareness and skillful means.    

In appearance, Guru Vajradhara, radiant blue in color, sits upon a throne supported by eight snow lions atop a lotus and sun seat. He holds a vajra and a bell and embraces his blue consort. Their blue spatial radiance is great bliss and wisdom of non-duality.  Recognize it as such.

om āh hūm

At their crown chakra visualize a white om atop a moon seat, at their throat chakra a red āh atop a red lotus, and at their heart chakra a blue hūm atop a sun. They have great kindness and concern for you.

Light radiates in the ten directions from the hūm  at Guru Vajradhara‘s heart. Atop each ray you may visualize one of the lamas who have mastered the practice of inner fire yoga and have realized the illusory body and wisdom of clear light.

Preform the seven-limb prayer (below) with mandala offering. The best offering to give is the offering of meditation practiced sincerely toward happiness and realization.

Pray intently to Guru Vajradhara, the Dharma protector, for realization according to the development of your practice.

Visualize all the lineage lamas as they dissolve into Guru Vajradhara.

From Guru Vajradhara, emanating  rays of:

  • white light from the om at his crown chakra enters yours
  • red light from the āh at his throat chakra enters yours
  • blue light from the hūm at his heart chakra enters yours

Visualize as Guru Vajradhara absorbs into you at your crown, enters into your central channel and into your your heart chakra. Unify your body and speech with those of Guru Vajradhara. Unify your mind with  Guru Vajradhara’s transcendental, blissful wisdom of dharmakaya.

If you have a dualistic conceptual view of Guru Vajradhara you do not comprehend.

Recognize the guru in every moment.

Seven Limbed Prayer

Before those of great compassion
we lay bare with mind of regret
all non-virtuous actions of misfortune
committed since beginning-less time
or have caused others to commit or have rejoiced in,
we vow never to commit again. 

All things are like a dream, lacking inherit or natural existence, 
sincerely we rejoice in the happiness
and joy of all Āryas and non-Ārya beings
and in ever white arisen virtue. 

May the rains of vast profound Dharma  fall
From a hundred thousand billowing clouds 
of sublime wisdom and loving-compassion, 
to nurture, sustain and propagate a garden of moon flowers
for the benefit and bliss of infinite beings. 

Your vajra-body subject to neither birth nor death
is a vessel  of Unity’s wish-granting gems,
Please abide forever in keeping with our wishes:
Pass not into nirvāna until samsāra’s end. 

We dedicate white virtues created
that we may be inseparably protected throughout all our lives
by venerable Gurus possessing the three kindnesses 
and that we may attain Vajradhāra Unity. 


Eden Lost

How unfortunate to think
Eden forbidden and mythic. 

For any spot on Earthly sphere, 
    Not spoiled nor exploited
    by industries’ grinding gear,
        And greed’s insatiable 
        Need to exploit for gain
        Again and again,
Is Eden paradisic. 

What is this planet  Earth,
If not  a paradise in the vastness
Of empty spacial dearth.