As whom I seek
I would be,
For whom I would be
I seek.
Navajo Medicine Paintings (iikaah)
Black Square, 1915

Composition VI, 1913

Conscious Matter
New Stone
Once put in Earth, When unearthed again Shall harbinger New catalyst, Which brings new end And all begin again.

Essentially Pure Nothing

Inherently Interdependent. Empty of independent self. As Nothing stays the same, Essentially nothing. As Pure of essence, Essentially pure. As Nothing is pure, Pure is nothing.
“I am Prakriti and you are Purusha, without me you are actionless, attributeless, and qualityless. You are also incomprehensible.
Parvati Seeks Her Lord (Shiva)

Until Guru's Revelation, Universal Compassion Realized, Chönyi bardo Recognized. OM SHANTI
Indo-European Language-Tree

French Dieu Spanish Dios from Latin Deus from Ancient Greek Zeus from Proto-Hellenic *dzéus from Proto-Indo-European *deiwos meaning "celestial" or "shining" Iuppiter or Jūpiter from Roman Diespiter (deus + Latin: pater = English: father) from Proto-Italic *djous patēr from Proto-Indo-European root *Dyḗws*Pahtḗr literally meaning "Sky Father" Whence is also derived the name of the Hindu sky god Dyáuṣ Pitṛ́ (Vedic Sanskrit: Dyáuṣpitṛ́) and Proto-Germanic *Tīwaz or Tius hence Old Norse Týr English mother from Middle English moder from Old English mōdor from Proto-Germanic *mōdēr from Proto-Indo-European *méh₂tēr Other cognates include Spanish madre Latin māter Greek mā́tēr/mā́tar Slavic *mati Persian madar Sanskrit mātṛ English Sin from Old English synn "moral wrongdoing" from Proto-Germanic *sundiō probably "it is true" from Proto-Indo-European *snt-ya-, a collective form from *es-ont- "becoming" present participle of root *es- "to be" Sanskrit Bodhisattva "one whose essence is perfect knowledge," from bodhi "perfect knowledge" + sattva "reality, being" from sat-, sant- "existing, true, virtuous" from Proto-Indo-European root *es- "to be"
Laniakea (Hawaiian: Immense Heaven)