God preached more reflection of who preaches, From who’s lips Illusions slip. In truth found In heart’s bounds Of those meek, And lord’s love seek.
Ganesha Surfing
From the dreams of some machine, The imagination of machination calculation, Oceanic mechanic of conscious matter.
Yukihiro Takahashi
Thinking biased by influences of another Is thus biased by biases of the other.
A Select Study on Images of the Apollo Missions
Between You and I
Harmony rings When tensioned string Neither loosely bound Nor overly wound Between extremes Life and death At last breath... Polynucleotides bound In-coiled around, Helix paired Macromolecular cipher ... When, mid Unit of time Planck defined? Where all is center What surrounds? When all within What enters?
Ocean of Truth
“I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
Isaac Newton
Auld Acquaintance Forgot
Wrought by hand Shall not long stand When reckoned By eternal. Fore thrice had crowed The cockerel, And the reaping Of denarii sowed, Truth betrayed, Compassion waylaid. Millenia thence, Mans’ offense, Heart’s recompense. By eternal beckoned, To eternal reckoned. Domains of man Lie neath the sands Of cyclic time and Doctrines mimed Without the seed of divine creed. Millenia hence, Heart’s offense, Mans’ recompense. By eternal reckoned, To eternal beckoned.