As above, so below.
That perfected, perfectly so,
Its parts and it whole.
Tiano y Flor
London, 2018
Other than what arises
Phenomena outside of mind Arises not. Meditation occurs, None to be sought. Behaviors incur, No actor wrought. Sacred vows sound. Absent one bound. Fruit when it bears, Fills none there. On mind reflect, Mind what projects. A thing-in-itself By self alone Non-existing.
Cantus Firmus
Tied to Inner Sea Tides
In Fall
Leaf on wind attached no more shall be. Recognition as descends, it was apart yet part of tree.
Eye Of Needle
Sutras pierce, Tantric thread. Persistent existence Fabric, Said. One a beat, Other, hum. Sung Since all Time begun.
May I:
Revere all beings; Shelter the ill-natured, overwhelmed by illusion of Samara’s ring; Regard myself as inferior, and deem others as superior; In all my actions, watch my mind; See all as spiritual friends in kind; Comfort the conquered and offer conquest of caliber; Offer support and jubilation to others, and smother the suffering of many Mothers; See all things as hallucination, and without attachment gain freedom from illusion. (A contract reflection of "Eight Verses For Training the Mind")