Yúcahu Bagua Maórocoti


Herein are presented a collection of tales, contained within the surviving notes left by an anonymous amateur anthropologist, researching the stories and myths from the geographical area known as the Caribbean Basin.


“I have uncovered a fascinating history to a collection of myths that emanate from the history of peoples native to what was referred  to as The Western Hemisphere.”

Yúcahu Bagua Maórocoti

It was on the shores of Boriqua the gear turning the present age was first set into motion, for there mighty ocean placed a stone wheel without axle, a great seal in cosmic motion.

For many generations the elders warned:

“Listen. Listen, the grey eyed ones are coming. Where we trust in the works of the  great chief they will not.

“It is their destiny to harness the power of the sun and unleash it on the world”


These are the opening lines to what  are the translations of the final words of the last known. Taino chief of the [ family name ]

What are left from his tales are a collection of notes and manuscripts that tell of the forgotten myths from what was known as the “Americas”

“For those who seek freedom will naturally be drawn” 

Chronology of Tales

Tales of: First Age

The Goddess and Yunque in repose

Tales of: Second Age

Kali: Over sea, he who first climbed Yunque ( and first chiefdom):

Trials of the…

  • Conch
  • Celte (stone axe)
  • Canoe
  • Mistress Sea, I love thee

Last of the moon children upon surface of the earth  “For I have want of naught and but what you will to do.”

Igneri’s warnings  of the caribs


Tales of: Third Age

In the third age, Europeans began their conquest of the new world,

First encounters: “For gold they thirst? Not content with what  is given by Earth, they wish to draw out her bones.

Concerning the Fourth Age 

A continent united 


Geology of the Second Age