An Outline of Views

From the “The Main Body of the Text” of “A Garland of Views: A Guide to View, Meditation, and Result in the Nine Vehicles (yanas)”
“An Explanation of the Different Views”, herein outlined

False views are without number, but can be summarized as those of the:

  • unreflective
  • materialists
  • nihilistic extremists
  • eternalistic extremists

These false views are views of ignorance.

The path that leads beyond the worldly has two aspects:

  • the vehicle of characteristics
  • the Diamond (vajra) Vehicle

The vehicle of characteristics has three divisions:

1. the Listener Vehicle (Śrāvaka)
2. the Solitary Realizer (Pratyekabuddha)
3. the Bodhisattva Vehicle

The Diamond Vehicle also has three divisions, the vehicles of

4. Kriyātantra
5. Ubhayatantra

6. Yogatantra 

The view of those engaged in Yogatantra has two aspects

  • the outer Yogatantra Vehicle of austerities
  • the inner Yogatantra of skillful means

The view of inner Yogatantra of skillful means has three aspects

7. the method of generation (Mahāyoga)
8. the method of perfection (Anuyoga)
9. the method of Great Perfection (Atiyoga/Dzogchen)

In the method of the Great Perfection (“great” in the qualities of the result being spontaneously present and in the method for entering that, and “perfection” in that accomplishments of merit and wisdom are perfect and complete), one realizes that all phenomena, mundane and supramundane, are inseparable in being, by nature and from the very beginning, the mandala of the enlightened body, speech, and mind. One then meditates on this. 

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