Proposal of 

First Principle: Establishing that…

One can never physically perceive the fundamental components of nature. 

Ultimately, all one can ever “know” of them subjectively is their mathematical attributes, thus objects of math. 

Mathematically all numbers, rational or irrational, are ultimately  component the base unit, thus all real numbers are composite of 1.

Fractionally there is still the base unit of 1.

Computationally 1 is denoted as  the “on” state of a transistor.

The absence of 1 is known conceptually as 0 and computationally as the “off” state of a transistor. 

Thus ultimately, perceived reality is fundamentally either composite of 1 or 0, or what is the same, phenomena is ultimately binary.


If all one can know of reality is numeric,
If one does not perceive numbers in themself, but a subsequent manifest realty,
It follows one experiences life as simulated reality manifest mind, or it can be said in simulation.


“The origin of all phenomena lies beyond the reach of understanding.” –Shantideva, Bodhicharyavatara” 

“So, as long as a thing is divisible-as long as we can break it into composite parts we can establish its nature as dependent upon its parts. If, on the other hand, a thing were to exist intrinsically as a substantial reality, then that thing would not be dependent upon its parts; it would instead exist as an indivisible and completely discrete entity.”  – H.H. The Dalia Lama  on being mindful of the emptiness of all phenomena from “Practicing Wisdom.”

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