
There are those who suffer the torments of war, famine, plague. 
Surely we are in the realm of hells.
There are those who suffer from greed and can never consume enough.
Surely we are in the realm of hungry ghosts.
There are those who suffer from being hunted, preyed upon, enslaved.
Surely we are in the realm of beasts.
There are those who suffer the heartaches of humanity and practice compassion.
Surely we are in the realm of humans.
There are those who fly in the air, ride in horseless iron chariots.
Surely we are in the realm of the Demi-gods.
There are those who can annihilate millions with grave weapons of war.
Surely we are in the realm of the Gods.

If I do not practice compassion diligently, if I do not guard my mind, surely I will suffer in Samsara.

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