The Guru’s Precepts

From “Lady of the Lotus Born” chapter 5 “Practice” herein an excerpt wherein Guru Rinpoche  and Yeshe Tsogyal address the  practice of austerity.

“This precious human form is a stream of gold. If you have gained it and are wise to use it, You will find continuous sustenance.”

Pledge to Practice austerity in…

  • Nourishment
  • Clothing
  • Speech
  • Body
  • Mind
  • Doctrine
  • Selfless Kindness
  • Compassion

“Thus [practice the eight great teachings that are hard to practice] holding others dearer than self without thought for life, for body, for worldly power and you will embody all the Buddha’s Teaching.”

One Reply to “The Guru’s Precepts”

  1. Practice of Austerities (detail):

    Practice the austerity of nourishment And take as sustenance essential sap Of stones and healing plants, and let The air itself be food for you.

    Practice the austerity of clothing,
    Wearing nothing but a simple cotton cloth, Then ornaments of bone, and afterwards go naked, Trusting to the inner heat of tummo.

    Practice the austerity of speech:
    The stages of approach and of accomplishment Of sadhanas, your prayers and mantras.
    Perform the yoga of the energies In silence, giving up all useless talk.

    Practice the austerity of body:
    Prostration, circumambulation, and the cleansing of your form.
    Sit in vajra posture
    And remain in meditation.

    Practice the austerity of mind,
    And train in stages of creation and perfection.
    Cultivate the essence-drop, both bliss and voidness.
    Remain absorbed in these two unified.

    Practice the austerity of Doctrine And be holder of the Buddhadharma.
    Perform the sacred task of guarding it
    Through teaching, composition, debate, and all the rest.

    Practice the austerity of selfless kindness, Acting for the sake of others.
    Help them, pray for them, as Mahayana teaches, Without a thought for life and limb.

    Practice the austerity of compassion, With equal love for both your child and enemy, For gold and clods of earth—
    Regarding others dearer than yourself.

    Thus you will embody all the Buddha’s Teaching.
    Highest wonder of Great Bliss you will attain.

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