4 Truth

4 reflection on  a multifaceted jewel so as I may understand:

The first truth, the nature of existence understood, exemplified succinctly by the three characteristics of existence.

The second truth, abandonment of illusion, exemplified  succinctly by the 12 links of dependent origination.

The third truth, realization, exemplified  succinctly by the three aspects of the path: determination to be free; arousing Bodhicitta (awakening mind); Prajnaparamita (perfected wisdom). 

The fourth truth, the way of the Conqueror, it is simply the Eightfold Path of developing morality, concentration, and wisdom, in which the first step therein is itself “Right View” established on these same Four Noble Truths.

All (practice, realization itself) are dependent on causation wherein what is to be realized is not. 

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