Ten Conditions to Develop

The Ten Conditions for Omniscience to Develop: The first topic of The Ornament of Clear Realization is the ten causes or causal conditions for wisdom of the Buddha, to be developed: 

1. Bodhicitta

We must first develop a desire to help all sentient beings reach enlightenment.

2. Practice instructions

We must learn about the Buddhist path and apply ourself to these instructions. These instructions are found in the five paths.

3. The four stages of definite separation

We must go to through the four stages on the Path of Junction: 1. warming to the experience of emptiness 2. summit to the experience of emptiness 3. forbearance, realization of the dharmata 4. highest worldly dharma, threshold to experiencing true reality.

4. Buddha-nature, the basis for our practice

Our whole development of realization relies on the fact that we and all other sentient beings possess Buddha-nature (Skt. gotra, Tib. rigs). 

5. The Objects of Focus

We must realize the emptiness of phenomena and we develop understanding of these through understanding eleven kinds of subjects such as understanding created and uncreated, ordinary and extraordinary, positive and negative actions, etc.

6. The Purpose

We need to understand the purpose for studying the Prajnaparamita and cultivating the bodhisattva path.

7. Armor-like Practice

Finally, there are four different practices we need to do to understand. This practice is perfecting the six paramitas.

8. Applied Practice

We need to then apply the four dhyana meditations to our practice

9. The Practice of Accumulation of wisdom.

We need to practice the accumulation of merit and the accumulation of wisdom

10. The Practice of Certain Release

We need to understand the inseparability of samsara and nirvana 

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