The Five Paths

These five paths (Sanskrit panca-marga, Tibetan lam lnga), toward enlightenment,   are referred to many times in The Ornament of Clear RealizationA Commentary on the Prajnaparamita of the Maitreya Buddha:

Path of Accumulation (S. sambhara-marga, T. chogs lam)
Practice of the four foundation of mindfulness, what to adopt, and what to avoid

Path of Preparation/Unification (S. prayoga-marga, T. sbyor lam)
Profound insight into the Four Noble Truths, cutting of root attachments

Path of Insight/Seeing (S. darsana-marga, T. mthong lam)
Realization of the Four Noble Truths, entry into first bodhisattva level, realizing the emptiness of phenomena

Path of Cultivation/Meditation (S. bhavana-marga, sgom lam)
Development of insight, entry into the second through ninth bodhisattva levels

Path of No-More-Learning (S. asaiksha-marga, T. mi  slob pa’i lam)
Also called, Path of Fulfillment (S. nishtha-marga). Attaining complete mediation (S. samadhi), and Buddhahood

Maitreya Bodhisattva at the Thikse Monastery in Ladakh, India. Cropped source Wikimedia
Maitreya Bodhisattva at the Thikse Monastery in Ladakh, India. Cropped source Wikimedia

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