Base of a Mediation Practice

ti-sarana saranagamana saranagamana saranagamana
om vajrasattva hum
ohm ah hum 
with full heart
empty hands
thus motivated I and I meditate on emptiness
and liberation of
all sentient beings
may all find refuge on the path of liberation
may all be without hate, greed, illusion
may I be of any means to such end
for as long as space remains
for as long as beings endure
so too may I abide to dispel suffering in samsara
om ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hung

soham p-hat

One Reply to “Base of a Mediation Practice”

  1. May I find refuge on the path to liberation
    May I be without hate, greed, and illusion
    May I be of any means to such end for all beings
    May all find refuge on the path to liberation
    May all be without hate, greed, and illusion
    May I be of any means to such end
    For as long as space remains
    For as long as beings endure
    So too may I abide to dispel suffering in Samsara
    Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padme Siddhi Hum

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