Bodhichitta Vows

Taking the vow of Bodhicitta as explained in…

The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech (A Detailed Commentary on Shantidevas’s “Way of The Bodhisattva”)

Part One: The Generation of Bodhichitta Where It Has Not Previously Existed

Chapter Three: Taking Hold of Bodhichitta

§ The actual vow of Bodhichitta

First, lay the foundations of taking the vow:

  • “Please think of me. Please think of me. Please think of me.“
  • Take refuge in the Three Jewels three times.

The Bodhisattva vow of…

… intention
[23.a] Just as the previous Sugatas (“thus gone to bliss”)
Gave birth to an Awakening Mind,

[24.a] Likewise for the sake of all that lives
Do I give birth to an awaking mind,

… action
[23.b] And just as they successfully dwelt
In the bodhisattva practice,

[24.b] Likewise shall I, too,
Successfully follow the practices.

… intention and action
[23] Just as the previous Sugatas
Gave birth to an Awakening Mind,
And just as they successfully dwelt
In the bodhisattva practices;

[24] Likewise for the sake of all that lives
Do I give birth to an Awakening Mind,
And likewise shall I, too,
Successfully follow the practices.

One Reply to “Bodhichitta Vows”

  1. sugata. (T. bde bar gshegs pa) In Sanskrit and Pāli, lit., “well gone,” one in a standard list of epithets of the Buddha. Su (cognate with Greek eu) is a prefix meaning good and gata is the past passive particle of “to go.”

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