Guru Siddhi Mantra

From “Lady of the Lotus-Born, The Life and Enlightenment of Yeshe TsogyalChapter 8 “Buddhahood” 

This know and understand! The essence of the Guru Siddhi mantra:

om ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hung

OM: is the union in five Bodies of all Buddhas gone to bliss;

AH: distills the essence of the fivefold wisdom Speech;

HUNG: is the Suchness Body, Wisdom Mind’s five aspects.

VA: is the sign and seal of indestructibility;

JRA: is deployment of the diamond-like compassion;

GU: the guru herukas of the triple time;

RU: the drop of essence that matures and liberates;

PAD: the threshold of the pure abode of bliss;

MA: is staying in the womb of bliss unmoving;

SID: is compassion in great strength and power;

DHI: is the accomplishment that satisfies all wants;

HUNG: the gaining of dominion in the primal ground.

The normal recitation of these twelve essential syllables of the Guru, Lotus-Born, repels suffering and leads beyond it.

When spoken in reverse they purify the faults of body, speech, and mind. Since the twelve dependent links of origination are thereby purified, it is the nature of the ten perfections, and therefore the Great Mother. 

“Devoutly recite this mantra.”  

hung dhi sid ma pad ru gu jra va hung ah om

HUNG: the life force of all the Buddhas, past, present, and to come;

DHI: accomplishment of all victorious yidams;

SID: the perfect action of the oath-bound and the dakinis;

MA: this cuts delusion from our mothers, wandering beings;

PAD: the supreme land of Buddhas of the triple time;

RU: this shuts the door to karmic energy;

GU: confers empowerment of compassion as the aspect of primordial Wisdom;

JRA: this is Mahamudra, the void, the indestructible;

VA: the symbol of the Wisdom-space;

HUNG: Nirmanakaya, emanated form to teach all beings;

AH: the supreme Dharma, Sambhogakaya;

OM: Kuntuzangpo, Dharmakaya, Primal Purity.

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