Samaya Saranagamana

Intent on arousing bodhichitta in meditation beyond conceptualization, and dedicating practice’s merits accumulation. 

With great adoration , I go to refuge in the Guru, embodiment of Buddha , the Dharma, of method and wisdom, and Sangha with desire to mindfully develop morality, concentration, and wisdom until enlightened by clear light of pure perfected renunciation, meta boddhicitta, and prajnaparamita for the benefit all sentient beings.

May all find refuge on the path of liberation. May all be without hate, greed, and illusion. May I be of any means to such end. For as long as space remains, as long as beings endure, so too may I abide to dispel sufferings of Samsara.

Thus motivated I meditate on emptiness, liberation from cyclic existence for all beings.

samaya gya gya gya

2 Replies to “Samaya Saranagamana”

  1. From “Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way” by Shanideva

    “For as long as space remains,
    As long as sentient beings remain,
    May I too remain
    To dispel their misery.”

    From “The Precious Garland” by Nagarjuna

    “May all the suffering and problems of others ripen upon me,
    And my all my virtue, prosperity, and happiness blossom upon them. “

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