Out of Body

“Teacher, you say all phenomena is manifestation of mind, but  surely when cut, I bleed. How is that manifestation of mind? Does not something outside of mind cut me? Can you explain this?”

“Indeed. Is it mind that is cut or body?”

“The mind cannot be cut, it is body that is cut.”

“This sculpture of stone when chipped would it say ‘I am chipped’?”

“No, it has no mind to perceive that has been chipped.”

“And no mind that holds concept of being chipped, nor even mind that holds concept of self to chip.  Yet to the mind that chipped, it has been chipped. Do you understand?” 

After a moment of reflection, the student replies, “Mind cannot be cut where body can, but without mind body does not perceive being cut. Likewise, sculpture that is chipped is not chipped but by observing mind.”

“Good. Good. Very good. You have understood.”

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