The Heart Sutra

“Heart Sutra” from Tibetan Master Chants by Lama Tashi

Bhagavati Prajna Paramita Hridaya  (Sanskrit)

The Blessed Mother, the Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom” (herein abridged)

A pith presentation of the Perfection of Wisdom (Prajnaparamita) sutras, is of only one part.

Heard in Rajgriha at Vulture Park with monks, bodhisattvas and the Blessed One in attendance. Wherein noble Avalokiteśvara beheld the profound Perfection of Wisdom, that even the five aggregates are empty of intrinsic existence.

Sāriputta, inspired by Buddha, asks the noble bodhisattva, “How should a noble son or daughter desiring to engage in practice of profound perfection train?”

Avalokiteśvara spoke, “Sāriputta,  that one should see clearly that even the five aggregates are empty of intrinsic existence. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, emptiness is no other than form, form is not other than emptiness, Likewise, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness are all empty. All phenomena are empty, without defining characteristics, they are not born, they do not cease, are not defiled, are not undefiled, not deficient, nor complete.”

“In emptiness there is no form (rūpa), no feelings (vedanā), no perceptions (saṃjñā), no mental formations (saṅkhāra) and no consciousness (vijñāna). No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind. No form, sound, smell, taste, texture, concepts. No elements of sense sources. No  links of dependent origination. Likewise  no suffering, no origin of suffering, no cessation of, nor path. No wisdom, no attainment, no non-attainment.”

“Since there is no attainment, rely on the Perfection of Wisdom, abide in it. With no obstruction in mind have no fear, beyond error, reach the end of nirvana. Rely on this profound Perfection of Wisdom, attain the full awakening of unexcelled,  perfect enlightenment of the Buddhas abiding in the three times.”

“Know that the mantra of the Perfection of Wisdom -the unexcelled, unequaled, mantra of great knowledge that quells all suffering- is true for it is not deceptive.

tadyatha gaté gaté paragaté parasamgaté bodhi svaha!

(thus go go go beyond go totally beyond  rooted in enlightenment)

Sāriputta, bodhisattvas should train in the perfection of wisdom in this way.”

Thereupon the Blessed One said “ Excellent. Excellent. Noble child, it is just so, it should be just so. One must practice the profound Perfection of Wisdom just as you revealed. Then, even the tathagatas will rejoice.”

All in attendance rejoiced in what the Blessed One said.

ohm gaté gaté paragaté parasamgaté bodhi svaha

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