The Cycle of Day and Night

The Preliminary Practice (Ngondro, sngon ‘gro)
The Four Meditations: 
    1) Difficulty in obtaining a human rebirth 
    2) Impermanence of life 
    3) Universality of suffering in Samsara 
    4) Causes and consequences of karma

At all times, with awareness of this precious human existence (mi lus run-poche) and its impermanence, take positive action with respect of this fact of existence.

The Extraordinary Preliminary Practice
These practices accumulate meritorious karma (due bsags): 
    1) Going to refuge in the Three Jewels until enlightenment 
    2) Generating Mettā Bodhicitta  
    3) Meditation and mantra recitation for Vajrasattva 
    4) Mandala offering
    5) Guru Yoga 

Guru Yoga or union with the teachers: Transmission is means to make the primordial state understood. Being aware of one’s own innate pure presence or intrinsic awareness (Rigpa) is our true Guru  (bla-ma). 

In Dzogchen, the principle point is not to be distracted (ma yengs) and to continue in the presence of this mindful awareness (dran-shes). This is the root of the practice (rnal-‘byor rtsa yin).  

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