Praxis Thinking the Methodology (in a nutshell)

Determine what is desired and assess what is “Known” and “Not Known” toward that end. Map affinities of ”Known” and “Not Known” statements to derive at a set of “First Principle(s)” and “Challenge(s)” respectively.

Modeled as a system, where the stock is comprised of “Concepts,” the inflow into the system (its input)) are the stated “Challenges” (best captured as a problem statement such as “How might I/we…”) Apply Divergent Thinking (<+) to increase the stock of concepts. Apply Convergent Thinking (->) and narrow on practical “Ideas” toward a solution (the system’s output). Ideas flow into a feedback loop. Model Ideas, validate models, reassess what is “Known” and “Not Known” and iterate “Challenge,”

With each iteration what is “Known” increases and what is ”Not Known” decreases while solution becomes less conceptual and more ideal.

Ideas are like seeds,  
some are annual and others perennial.
Some fall upon good earth to take root,    
Others upon stone to despair. 
Of those that root and bloom take care,
And of their fruit joyfully share. 

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