An Ardent Law Argued

When the state fears the people
     The people are citizens of state.
When the people fear the state 
    The people are subjects of state.  

Summation  of the additives, life and liberty  equates to happiness. 

All are entitled to pursue their own definition of happiness free from any definition  that would be imposed by another individual or collective.  Any imposition on one’s liberty is a similar imposition on right to life and subtractive of one’s total happiness. 

One has the right to defend in whole or in part  the principles of this equation  that is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

This is not  a right  that  can in any way be infringed upon , it is a fundamental law of nature. As this is not a declaration of rights but an acute observation of natural law. 

Those who would be governed choose to allow those who govern to infringe on these rights  to the extent that they derive some societal/collective benefit.  Any  individual must choose whether any subtraction of rights is justified. 

Defense of natural law requires no declaration as it is writ by the laws of nature and self- evident  to all, who are part of nature. 

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