Bodhisattva Christo

From the Fallen One I learned 
Of the vanity in pride. 
Adam and Eve taught me that,
From the Creator you cannot hide.
Noah’s lesson, to be ever fearful. 
Abraham was the Knight most faithful. 
To the wandering tribes of Israel, 
God commanded of the covenant hold. 
Master Moses who late realized, 
With the Divine be not too bold. 

To David the Lord of all
Spoke of his temple in the heart. 
Erudite Solomon’s lesson, 
Better wise than smart.

From Mary Magdalene and the Apostles,
What greater gift than the Gospels,
Those teachings of the Trinity
Embodied in the Messiah, Christ the  Son,
That through compassionate love all are one.   
Namo Guru Christo. 

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