A review of God’s V’s concert from planet Moriah. By GBb music corespondent, So Kirk.
There comes a moment in a person’s life when immediacy requires a higher form, when it wants to lay hold of itself as spirit. Last night was such a moment.
Having difficulties of admission regarding my press credentials, I was a tad late to the show. Unlike the long awaiting fans who were treated to a gradual turning up of the metaphoric lights, arriving with the show already underway, I was thrown straight from darkness into light. A light that assailed all the senses.
Sonic wave after sonic wave washed over me. echoes of the fundamental forces of creation. I understood now why they held the top three spots of the Galactic Billboard. (GBb).
Bound by duty to cover the night’s event but transfigured by self in self, with personality wanting only to stay conscious of the eternal validity in the moment.
But that moment was halted, repressed in the depression of fear and loathing that pervaded the outside world. Duty bound I began recording and photographing the event in the vain hope of capturing the real magic of the moment, the magic of being there.
While documenting the night’s events I came to a conclusion, “I just want to enjoy the music. So… Fuck this. I quit.”
Along with this story I am also submitting a brief audio clip and a few images. Consider this my resignation, as I only plan on following the band and tour.
Next stop, Florida!
GBb Editor: We at the GBb are saddened by So Kirk’s recent resignation. We hope to hire a music corespondent replacement soon. Meanwhile, we are pleased to announce the recent hire of So Kirk, he joins the GBb as our newly created position of dedicated correspondent to God’s V for the GBb.
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