Praxis Thinking announces its World News service

Praxis Thinking today announced the launch of its new Global News service. A spokesperson for Praxis reported “ Praxis Thinking’s World News (PTWN) service provides an unmoderated feed of news from sources that span the globe.”

According to Praxis Thinking, the news feed is an unmoderated aggregate of headlines from global sources. Praxis also states that the service updates stories every hour and that they run headlines for twenty-four hours.

All news service providers featured are reviewed by an editorial board which reviews services regularly to ensure their continued unbiased journalistic integrity, according to Praxis. Current service providers include: The BBC; NPR; Reuters; and several others.

Old Guy, a fan of the new service, when asked why he liked PTWN, “I don’t want some stupid-@$$ algorithm feeding me news. Don’t you see, man, that’s all part of the plan to control the masses, man.’

The new service can be found at Praxis Thinking World News

One Reply to “Praxis Thinking announces its World News service”

  1. The fourth “unofficial” branch of government, empowered by the first amendment ,is under attack by the other three “official” branches and corporate greed. Free the press! Be informed and inform.

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