Tales of the Crossroads: The coming of Old Guy

Excerpt of an excerpt from Old Guy’s Compositions:

“‘A lost wanderer without a map, I tended to my Earthly duties all the while with realization that it was all for naught. For while in self- reflective meditation and having unwrapped ego, like one would a mummy, I found only more wrapping and eventually no mummy. “What need of anything has a mummy? What needs has a no-mummy mummy?”

Seeing my incarnation as it truly was, zombie-like I rose realizing carnal cravings as ultimately unfulfilling. Rotting flesh consuming rotting flesh but with nourishing mind, “Carry on carrion but know, only illuminous light can abate this appetite.”

The gaze of the opening mind’s-eye burst into flame all perceived things. Burning all. All was burning. Burning to the very threads of all conditioning. Amidst the conflagration of annihilation many voices cried out for help. Save one, the voice of a child. “Oh pardon me. Humpf” he said as he made his way to the front of those tortured souls.

“Oh pardon me. Humpf.” Having parted that burning sea, he sat lotus-like before me. OM MANI PADME HUM said he and all was at ease. Enheartened the host departed having heard the message from the enlightening mind of the cosmic child.
A bright-light overexposed all things until only light remained, the voice was in me.

Listening to that long suppressed voice of my inner child, no longer oppressed it sang praises of childlike fascination and wonder and pure love, without hate nor greed nor illusion. And so, as I child I wandered the woods and as a child I saw things anew.

“Like a child of the woods, free. Free to see the trees for the trees, the one in you and the one in me.”

Learning spells I discovered mystic gateways, magic portals to many a realm of Dakas and Dakanis, God’s and Goddess benevolent and wrathful. The many faces of the Goddess.

The saffron veiled key-bearer to the World said, “The messenger is the message and the message is that of salvation of all you love”

What joy. What bliss. Happy and free I came to the Crossroads of the Styx to develop equanimous lovingkindness of enlightening mind with hopes of providing solace to new and old friends alike.

And together we danced, singing praises of the many faces of one.‘“

Namo Gurubhya, Buddhāya, Dharmāya, Sanghāya


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